Is FHWA’s Oversight responsibility foggy? Is Oversight relationship to strategic plan clear?
ISTEA and TEA 21 Authorized FHWA to delegate specific project approval authorities to STA Did not alter FHWA program responsibility on all programs to Congress and public
FHWA’s Strategic Plan significantly impacts what I do 2000 All Employee Survey
Task Force Objectives Re-visit and re-frame national guidance on stewardship and oversight Prepare draft paper and other products
Task Force Recommendations Issue new policy Stronger link for stewardship in national strategic plan and performance plans Improve info systems to consolidate regs, policy, guidance for “one stop shopping” Update policies, training materials to include new policy Outreach
Policy Paper Definitions Stewardship Program Administration Technology deployment Technical assistance Strategic initiatives Oversight Project Development Project Delivery Maintenance/operation
Policy Paper FHWA/STA Roles FHWA program stewardship & oversight responsibilities - all programs STA can assume project approval authorities STA to manage delegated authority – included STA oversight of LPA projects FHWA/STA joint assessment of FHWA programs, delegated authorities
Implementation FHWA to conduct outreach to ensure understanding of policy FHWA and Unit performance plans include stewardship and oversight strategies FHWA/STA joint assessment of implementation of FHWA programs FHWA sets stewardship and oversight strategy based on assessment
Implementation (cont’d) Program reviews, PR/PE and CPI initiatives prominent in Stewardship and oversight. Incorporate non-NHS projects in PR/PE, CPI and program reviews. FHWA pursue stronger connection between Stewardship in new FHWA Business Plan FHWA pursue better tools