Strategic Accountability DecideAct This overview is a continuation of the previous status overview prepared after the initiative review pr It is done in the sam format, but graphs have been renewed to reflect the milestone. Thus there are now three comparison points: Original, end of June and end of September. The comparison is always against the original plan, thus not taking into account new initiatiaviest during the period. The graph on the right shows the original plan (blue) as compared with the actual progress as of June 30, and September 30, 2014 and a reviewed plan for the rest of the year in both cases based on what is now known about realistic progress in the coming months. This review was performed with Inpay‘s employees responsible for the initiatives. As before, the progress is shown by each KPI and indicates the progress of initiatives. The percentages shown are therefore not actual change in KPI metrics, but a percentage showing the progress of certain initiatives as assessed in terms of how close to finishing they are. A detailed overview is to be found in the attached sheet. The overall progress is still lagging behind, both the original plan as well as renewed plan pr. June 30, It is still the intention to finish more or less on par with original plan. Aktivitetet 3: STRATEGISK REGNSKAB – eksempel Executive summary Overall progress of all initiatives are shown on the below graph. It is by months. Pls. note however, that progress review is done every three months, so points in between are extrapolated. By september the original plan was to have finished about 75% of the overall plan. The real progress is near 50%. The yellow line shows the overall progress inclusive new initiatives not originally planned. Slightly lower as a result of greater number of initiatives, but very near the original overall results.
Number and scope of initiatives As shown on the graph to the right, the number of initatives grew from 59 to 101 from the original plan to the revised 3rd quarter plan. This has been accounted for when calculated the overall progress, but it shows that careful planning is needed to keep focus and not to overextend the ambition for solving issues. The initiatives are very variable in terms of scope and complexity ranging from producing a report to implement a totally new DecideAct operating system. It is important when refining the strategic accountability, what kind of issues should be included and what issues should be a part of a personal task list. This will be further discussed for the 2015 planning. Aktivitetet 3: STRATEGISK REGNSKAB – eksempel: Læring The absolute number of initiatives are from the start of the planning period up until 3 rd quarter. Only two initiatives were abandoned, but as earlier stated; the scope of the different initatives is varuable. In the individual pgrogress statistics in the following slides, the comparison is only given towards the original plan to keep the integrity of the statistics. However, the overall progress is shown both with regard to the original as well as the current plan, which shows very similar results.
STRONG AND LOYAL CUSTOMER BASE Following grap shows the overall progress of customer and sales related intiatives and the plan for the last quarter of the year. The actual numbers with comparison for each KPI are also shown in a separate table. The customer satisfaction initatives are lagging further behind in September, however with a small margin. In the June review some of the projects were pushed back to last quarter which was reflected in the revised plan for September. The result show, that the status is overall better than expected as compared with the revised plan. In the customer activity part, the main discrepancy relates to the implementation of links with Economics, since that will be dependent on the implementation of Navision. It is expected that initiatives relating to customer activity KPI will be on track by October. Aktivitetet 3: STRATEGISK REGNSKAB – eksempel: kunder & salg