Welcome to Biology Mrs. Helmick Room 717
B.S. in Education Biology & Geology Masters in Education Curriculum & Instruction Background Information
High Expectations I expect all students to learn and do their best this year. Not everyone likes Biology. But everyone has to pass Biology.
Procedures for Our Classroom How will things work in our classroom?
Emergency Procedures Line up quietly at the door. We will walk calmly down the 700 Hall and then left at the main hall. Stay with our class – do not join other groups. Once we have left the building, I will take attendance.
Beginning of Period Enter the room quietly. Bring all of your supplies. Be in your seat when the tardy bell rings. Immediately begin working on your warm- up without talking. You should: Write the answer in complete sentences. Follow instructions.
When you are Tardy The door will be locked as soon as the bell rings. If you are not in the classroom, you will report to the tardy center. Tardies will accumulate from ALL of your classes. *In order to return to class, you must have a pass from the tardy center.
Asking a Question or Leaving Seat/Room Raise your hand. Wait to be recognized. You must have permission to be out of your seat. You are expected to use the restroom during passing period. Do not interrupt the teacher’s lecture or assignment instructions.
No Homework? Students are expected to complete all assignments on time. If you do not have your assignment, 15 points will be subtracted for each day that it is late.
End of Period You will be dismissed by the teacher NOT the bell. Clean your desk area – removing all trash and belongings. Push in your chair. Calmly leave the classroom.
When you are Absent Check webpage or moodle to see what you missed OR ask a friend. Attend tutoring to pick up your work. If you have a lab to make-up, you need to bring a lab partner to assist you.
Grades Keep track of your own grades! Use the online grade book to assist you and your parents. What to expect from me: I will grade and return your papers in a timely manner. Progress reports will be sent out each 3-week period. If you have below a 75, you MUST have your parent sign and return the progress report.
Grades We will have at least 3 summative or major grades each six weeks. This will usually include 3 tests or 2 tests and a project/major lab. We will have multiple formative assessments throughout the six weeks: Quizzes Labs Daily assignments/homework
Extra Credit Opportunities for extra credit will be posted on the web. Extra credit will be offered to all students. Students may not request extra credit!
Tutoring I am available before and after school by appointment. It is your responsibility to attend tutoring for help on assignments or course topics. Other Biology teachers can assist you.
Guests in the Room / Announcements In the event that there are guests in the room to observe or speak with the teacher, you are expected to continue your work or sit quietly for further instruction. Please sit quietly and listen to any announcements made.
Having a Substitute Teacher The rules and procedures do not change because of my absence. The substitute will have complete seating charts, rules, procedures and assignments for the entire period.
Off-Limits Areas Laboratory area – unless otherwise instructed Teacher’s Desk and supplies Storage closet Property that is not yours
Supplies Each day you will need: Composition Notebook(s) Paper Pencil and pen Markers/Colored pencils Glue
Web site / Moodle Syllabus Calendar Extra credit Projects Important links Notes/Assignments
Questions ?