The Professional Development Plan for License Renewal in Wisconsin Goal Writing Workshop
2 PDP Focus Professional desire to learn Linked to student learning Create an area of focus Map the activities to achieve purpose Determine support of others Collect data along the way Verify learning
Types of PDP Goals Academic – want students to achieve/perform at a certain level over time Behavioral – want students to change behaviors over time Socio-Emotional – want to demonstrate affective changes over time – engagement, motivation, etc. 3
Elements of PDP as Journey Where am I now? (Self-Reflection, Step 1) Where would I like to go? (Goal statement, Step II B.) Why do I want to go there? (Rationale, Step II C.) How will I get there? (Objectives & Activities, Step II E.) How will I know I have arrived? (Artifacts, Step II D. )
PDP and Educator Effectiveness SLO = Student Learning Objective (for teachers) and School Learning Objective (for principals) PPG = Professional Practice Goal 5
How does Educator Effectiveness and a PDP Intersect? 6 EEP Educator Effectiveness Plan PPG Professional Practice Goal PDP “I will” (your professional growth) SLO Student Learning Objective PDP “So that” (impact on student learning
How Can you Work on Both? Align your PDP goal as best as you can to the new PPG and SLO that will be required in For example, if your district/building is working on literacy, how can you incorporate literacy in your PDP and SLO?
How can you be Intentional? For your PDP, think about your broad PDP goal as incorporating your PPG and SLOs over time. An SLO can be an objective of your overall broad PDP goal. Collect artifacts for your PPG and SLO on a yearly basis and you then have artifacts for your PDP over time.
Complete Vision Activity Start at the top and think about what you desire to learn professionally that may also be aligned to your PPG. Skip to bottom and describe where you are now: “I’m currently working on incorporating more literacy into …..” 9
Definition of Professional Growth How does your practice change or evolve from the beginning of your PDP to its conclusion? You can demonstrate increased proficiency by selecting evidence sources that will allow a baseline to be identified and growth documented over time. 10
Evidence of Professional Growth Think about processes and products/artifacts that you can collect over time Ask yourself how will I know that I have grown professionally? What will I submit to a PDP team that shows growth (change of professional practice, acquired new knowledge/skills) 11
Review of What it Means to Grow Professionally You grow professionally when you Acquire new knowledge/skills, Apply new knowledge/skills, Change your professional practice, Enhance reflective practices, Improve student learning, and Contribute to the learning community
Reflect and Think You are reviewing the following goal for a colleague. What reflective questions would you ask to help him clarify what he wants to do? Goal: I will learn about and implement effective writing strategies so that my students become well-rounded writers.
What is in it for Students? How will students benefit from what you are doing differently? If you are better at classroom management what impact will that have on students? (ex. on task more? engaged in learning more?) 14
Definition of Student Learning Refers to changes in student knowledge, skills, and/or dispositions related to educational experiences, activities, and interventions. Think about how students’ academic performance and/or behavior changes over the course of your PDP. 15
Evidence of Student Learning Think again about processes and products/artifacts that you can collect over time Ask yourself how will I know that my professional growth had an effect on student learning? What will I submit to a PDP team that shows that students have learned (performing better on assessments, acting differently) 16
Review of Student Learning The effect on student learning can be seen when Students are acting the way you want Students are creating something that they couldn’t do before Students are performing better than they were Students are actively engaged in learning Students are scoring better on formal and informal assessments
Reflect and Think You are reviewing Step 2 D. for a colleague. In this section, she writes the following to assess her professional growth. What reflective questions would you ask to help her clarify what she plans to collect as evidence? Plan for Assessing Professional Growth: Compiling a list of effective literacy strategies Professional evaluations Observation notes from observing colleagues while they are teaching Attending a literacy workshop
Step II. C. Rationale Think about why you want to work on this goal and explain Relate the goal you have chosen to your teaching or administrative situation Select two or more standards to work on that relate to your goal 19
Step II. D. Plan for Assessing and Documenting the Goal Think about artifacts that you can collect over time Artifacts are items that you create or gather to show changes in practice over time Evidence is an artifact accompanied by an explanation of how artifact demonstrates either professional growth, impact on student learning, or both. An artifact without an explanation/reflection is not evidence 20
Step II. E. Plan to Meet the Goal: Objectives, Activities, Timeline Look at your goal and create at least two objectives For each objective, think of at least two activities that will accomplish Create a timeline for completing the activities that extends throughout the PDP cycle Include collaboration with others 21
PDP as Practical for Renewing License You can choose what you want to focus on for your own growth. You can choose how you want to go about that professional growth. You can set your own timeline to accomplish activities. You can and are required to collaborate. You can align your PPG and your SLO with your PDP and collect evidence for both over time. 22