Planning for Flexible Instruction Proposed integration of FID requirements into CP process Advisory Mtg
Agenda for today’s meeting: FID checklist walkthrough – Show proposed CP alignment and discuss requirements that may not be applicable CP tool walkthrough – Show impacted areas of CP tool and discuss applicability of alignment Next Steps Additional Questions & Comments Contact Info
Culture & Management P ROPOSED CP S ECTION A MENDMENT LEA has secured stakeholder supportNA LEA has established and communicated expectations for staff, student, and parent preparation for and participation in FIDs Assurances LEA has methods for determining staff participation and student attendance Assurances LEA has established contingency protocols for students and teachers unable to participate in FIDs NA LEA has planned for the accessibility of student services CF: Safe & Supportive Schools Assurances LEA has defined protocols for instituting and communicating the occurrence of FIDs NA LEA has a process for monitoring the implementation and evaluating the efficacy of FIDs Assurances
Considerations… Teachers How will we substitute staff members who become unavailable on a FID? Should this be included as part of the planning process or left to local procedural processes as it should be similar to existing practice? Note: outside subs would need to be included in all staff considerations, such as access and training if using tech. Students What constitutes student attendance? If some or all of the learning occurs asynchronously, may students ‘complete’ their work outside of the instructional day? And, if so, may students without access during a FID be considered ‘present’ when work is completed in time?
Curriculum & Instruction P ROPOSED CP S ECTION A MENDMENT LEA provides professional development on curriculum design for asynchronous instruction CF: Professional Education If applicable, LEA offers professional development on instructional and classroom management practices for virtual environments CF: Professional Education LEA offers guidance on creating curriculum and content that is appropriate and meets fair use and copyright requirements CF: Materials & Resources LEA has established procedures for maintaining the currency and relevancy of curriculum and content CF: Materials & Resources LEA has instructional exemplars constructed to progress student learning in support of course objectives CF: Curriculum CF: Materials & Resources LEA has planned for all subject areas and student subgroups CF: Curriculum LEA provides tools to facilitate assessments to ensure student engagement and mastery NA LEA provides synchronous instructional supports for students seeking assistance Assurances
Technology & Supports (if applicable) P ROPOSED CP S ECTION A MENDMENT LEA has established technology standards that support complete access to online learning services and resources utilized during FIDs Assurances LEA has procedures for identifying and resolving inequitable off- campus student and teacher access to online services and resources Assurances LEA provides and/or supports the technical solutions required for modifications and/or accommodations during FIDs Assurances LEA has established Acceptable Use Policies and employs measures to ensure the Internet safety and security of students accessing school services and resources Assurances LEA offers training to staff, students, and (if applicable) parents on how to access and use online services and resources Assurances LEA offers technical assistance and support during FIDs Assurances LEA offers equitable offline options for teachers and students unable to access online services and resources Assurances
Curriculum CP: Core Foundations Educational activities (including those planned to occur outside of a traditional classroom and/or school day) are constructed to progress student learning in support of course objectives. NEW language to be inserted here
Curriculum CP: Core Foundations Instructional time assigned to asynchronous educational activities provided as an integral part of the school program is consistent with the time estimated had the learning occurred as part of a traditional, synchronous instructional unit. NEW language to be inserted here
Safe & Supportive Schools CP: Core Foundations …including, if applicable, the provision of services for participating off-campus students (e.g., home-bound instruction, virtual program, flexible instructional day) NEW language to be inserted here
Safe & Supportive Schools CP: Core Foundations (cont.) NEW language to be inserted here
Safe & Supportive Schools CP: Core Foundations (cont.) NEW language to be inserted here
Materials & Resources CP: Core Foundations Old text: A robust supply of high quality aligned instructional materials and resources available. New text: Current, relevant, appropriate, and high quality robust selection, meeting fair use and copyright requirements.
Professional Education CP: Core Foundations Increases the educator’s skills based on effective practice research, with attention given to indirect instruction as well as instructional design for asynchronous learning and (if applicable) virtual environs. NEW language to be inserted here
Professional Education CP: Core Foundations Provides the knowledge and skills to think and plan strategically, ensuring that assessments, curriculum, instruction, staff professional education, teaching materials, and off-campus learning are aligned to each other as well as to Pennsylvania’s academic standards. NEW language to be inserted here
Assurances CP: Core Foundations Old text (Safe & Supportive Schools): Acceptable Use Policy for Technology Resources New Assurance (Educational Technology): By checking the following box, the LEA agrees to comply and institute local policies and procedures with all requirements of federal and state legislation related to the online safety and security of minors, as well as state policies for equitable and appropriate access during virtual instruction. continued…
NEW Assurances inserted after Chapter 12 & Special Education Assurances REMOVE
Assurances CP: Core Foundations Applicable to all LEA The Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act, and PA Act 197 of 2004 requirements of the LEA include: (…additional language re: Acceptable Use Policies as well as monitoring and educating minors)
Assurances CP: Core Foundations Applicable solely to LEA offering instruction online PDE policies for an LEA having a virtual school, offering a full- or part-time virtual program (i.e., online courses) or participating in a technology-enabled Flexible Instructional Day include: Establishing technology standards sufficient to support access to the online learning services and resources utilized during instructional time and provide a consistent experience across devices and connections. continued…
Assurances CP: Core Foundations Establishing procedures for identifying and, if necessary and apposite, resolving inequitable off-campus student and teacher access to online services and resources. Offering equitable offline options for off-campus students unable to access online services and resources for a period not to exceed five (5) instructional days in a school year. Offering technical assistance and support during scheduled instructional time. Providing and/or supporting technical solutions required for instructional modifications and/or accommodations. Providing training to staff, students, and (if applicable) parents on the access and appropriate use of online services and resources.
Assurances CP: Core Foundations New Assurance (Off-Campus Instruction): By checking the following box, the LEA agrees to comply and institute local policies and procedures with all requirements of the Department related to the provision of instruction to off-campus students (e.g., virtual programs, Flexible Instructional Days), including: Identifying expectations for staff, students, and parents on preparation and participation. continued…
Assurances CP: Core Foundations Establishing methods for determining attendance for off-campus students. Providing instructional supports for off-campus students seeking assistance during instructional hours. Ensuring provision of FAPE for students with IEPs through participation in the off-campus instruction or compensatory educational services. Ensuring off-campus access, if appropriate and necessary, to student services. Monitoring and evaluating off-campus programs to ensure engagement and efficacy.
Our next steps… Review comments for amendment to proposed integration Internal review with appropriate Offices Work with CAIU to have changes in place for CP Phase 2 (contingent upon budget) Determine process for Phase 1 and 3 LEA seeking to participate beginning 2016
PDE Contacts Student Services Kerry Helm Steve Fisher Educational Technologies Amy Munro