Cell Organelles “Tiny organs” of the Cell Objective: C2 - Identify the structure and function of the parts of a typical eukaryotic cell and compare the structures of plant, animal, & bacteria cells recognizing their complexity
Organelle – cell parts that perform specific functions for the cell
A. Cytoplasm Everything between the cell membrane and the nucleus A jellylike mixture that consists mostly of water
CONTROL CENTER of the Cell NUCLEAR ENVELOPE – Covered with many small pores that allow messages, like RNA, to be sent from the Nucleus B. The Nucleus
CHROMOSOMES – Hereditary information NUCLEOLUS – MAKES (synthesizes) RIBOSOMES CHROMATIN – Consists of DNA bound to protein
Are the site of PROTEIN SYNTHESIS Some float free in the cytoplasm; others attach to the ROUGH ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM found in ALL cells C. Ribosomes
the site where lipid components of the cell membrane are assembled is primarily a transportation system ROUGH - has ribosomes SMOOTH - no ribosomes D. Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
Processing, Packaging, and Secretion System of membranes made of flattened sac like structures E. Golgi Apparatus/Body
Filled with enzymes Digestion of macromolecules (lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins) into molecules that can be used by the cell Involved in breaking down old cell parts (Not found in plant cells) F. Lysosomes
for temporary storage of materials, especially water - big in plant cells - small in animal cells G. Vacuoles Vacuole Animal Cell Plant Cell
Converts chemical energy stored in food into compounds that the cell can use "POWERHOUSE" OF THE CELL - ATP is the ENERGY molecule of the cell - ATP is produced in a process called CELLULAR RESPIRATION H. Mitochondria
I. Chloroplast CHLOROPLASTS Capture energy from sunlight and convert it into chemical energy in a process called Photosynthesis Not found in animal cells
Helps maintain cell shape Helps the cell move Consists of TWO Types of structures: - MICROFILAMENTS (threadlike) - MICROTUBULES (hollow) J. Cytoskeleton
- cylindrical structures that are composed of groupings of microtubules - function in cell division (Not found in plant cells) K. Centrioles
Extend from the surface of the cell Assist in movement CILIA are short hair like projections (not in plants) FLAGELLA are long whip like projections L. CILIA AND FLAGELLA
Etymology Cytoplasm: cyto-, (cell) + -plasm (to mold) Chloroplast: chloro- (Gk. KHLOROS, greenish yellow) + -plast (to mold) Endoplasmic: endo- (in) + -plasmic (to mold) Lysosome: lyso- (loosening or dissolving) + -some (Gk. SOMA, body) Flagellum: (L. FLAGELLUM, little whip) Cilia: (L. CILIUM, eyelid) NOTE: Cilia reminded scientists of eyelashes. Vacuole: (L. VACUUS, empty)