Molecular Bonding Unit 5
Ionic bonding Cations (usually metals) lose electrons to anions (monoatomic and polyatomic). Both cations and anions are stable like noble gases (octet rule) Strong electrostatic bonds
Example of an ionic bond
Covalent Bonds Sharing pairs of electrons Covalent bonds are the inter-atomic attraction resulting from the sharing of electrons between atoms. They result in ‘localized overlaps’ of orbitals of different atoms. They also are the result of the attraction of electrons for the nucleus of other atoms. Typical of molecular substances.
Example of a Covalent Bond
Covalent Bonds Cont. Atoms bond together to form molecules molecules are electrically neutral groups of atoms joined together by covalent bonds strong attraction Molecules attracted to each other weakly form molecular compounds
Properties of Molecular Compounds Strong covalent bonds hold the atoms together within a molecule. The intermolecular forces that hold one molecule to another are much weaker. Properties vary depending on the strength of the intermolecular forces.
Lewis structures A Lewis structure is a representation of the valence e- in an atom, ion or molecule. Element symbol represents nucleus and core e-. Dots represent valence e-.
Electron pairs In covalent compounds electrons are shared between atoms creating electron pairs. Bonding pairs: e- that are shared between 2 atoms. Lone or unshared pairs: e- that are NOT involved in bonding.
Covalent bonds Hydrogen follows the duet rule: sharing 2 electrons. Non-metals Carbon through Fluorine follow the octet rule: sharing 8 electrons.
Writing Lewis Structures of Molecules 1. Determine the central atom (atom in the middle) - usually is the “single” atom - least electronegative element - H never in the middle; C always in the middle 2. Count the total number of valence e- (group #) - add ion charge for “-” - subtract ion charge for “+”
3. Divide the total number of electrons by 2 - sharing involves 2 electrons Attach the atoms together with one pair of electrons All remaining e- = LONE PAIRS! - lone pairs are NOT involved in bonding
Writing Lewis Structures Cont. 6. Place lone pairs around non-central atoms to fulfill the “octet rule” - some elements may violate this octet rule – (H=2, Be=4, B=6) 7. If more e- are still needed, create double or triple bonds around the central atom. - single = 1 pair of shared electrons (2 e-) - double = 2 pair of shared electrons (4 e-) - triple = 3 pair of shared electrons (6 e-)
Practice Give the Lewis structure for: HCl NH3 C2H6 CO2
NAS When drawing Lewis structures, remember: terminal atoms, atoms that can only make one bond, must be on the outside. N – A = S #e- needed for – #e- available = #e- shared octet or duet (valence e-) (bonds) S = the number of pairs of shared electrons S = the number of bonds (a dash may be used to 2 represent a pair of shared electrons)
Resonance •• • O S O O S O •• • When there is more than one Lewis structure for a molecule that differ only in the position of the electrons they are called resonance structures Lone Pairs and Multiple Bonds in different positions Resonance only occurs when there are double bonds and when the same atoms are attached to the central atom The actual molecule is a combination of all the resonance forms. •• • O S O O S O •• •
Some molecules are stable when the center atom has more than an octet Some molecules are stable when the center atom has more than an octet. i.e. SF6, PCl5 P has 10 electrons sulfur has 12 electrons
Exceptions to the Octet Rule H, Be, B (stable with 2, 4, and 6 e-, respectively) Some molecules cannot be drawn with the Lewis structure rules, due to odd # of e-. i.e. NO & NO2 (There is no way for N to get an octet)
SAMPLE PROBLEM: Writing Resonance Structures PROBLEM: Write resonance structures for the nitrate ion, NO3-. PLAN: After Steps 1-4, go to 5 and then see if other structures can be drawn in which the electrons can be delocalized over more than two atoms. SOLUTION: Nitrate has 1(5) + 3(6) + 1 = 24 valence e- N does not have an octet; a pair of e- will move in to form a double bond.
Four criteria for choosing the more important resonance structure: 1. Smaller formal charges (either positive or negative) are preferable to larger charges; 2. A more negative formal charge should exist on an atom with a larger EN value. 3. Get unlike charges as close together as possible 4. Avoid like charges (+ + or - - ) on adjacent atoms
Resonance and Formal Charge Formal charge of atom = # valence e- = (# unshared electrons + 1/2 the # shared electrons)
Nitric acid : .. H O N .. We will calculate the formal charge for each atom in this Lewis structure. 19 24
Nitric acid Formal charge of H : .. H O N .. Hydrogen shares 2 electrons with oxygen. Assign 1 electron to H and 1 to O. A neutral hydrogen atom has 1 electron. Therefore, the formal charge of H in nitric acid is 0. 19 25
Nitric acid : .. H O N Formal charge of O .. Oxygen has 4 electrons in covalent bonds. Assign 2 of these 4 electrons to O. Oxygen has 2 unshared pairs. Assign all 4 of these electrons to O. Therefore, the total number of electrons assigned to O is 2 + 4 = 6. 19 26
Nitric acid : .. H O N Formal charge of O .. Electron count of O is 6. A neutral oxygen has 6 electrons. Therefore, the formal charge of oxygen is 0. 19 27
Nitric acid : .. H O N Formal charge of O .. Electron count of O is 6 (4 electrons from unshared pairs + half of 4 bonded electrons). A neutral oxygen has 6 electrons. Therefore, the formal charge of oxygen is 0. 19 28
Nitric acid : .. H O N Formal charge of O .. Electron count of O is 7 (6 electrons from unshared pairs + half of 2 bonded electrons). A neutral oxygen has 6 electrons. Therefore, the formal charge of oxygen is -1. 19 29
Nitric acid : .. H O N Formal charge of N – .. Electron count of N is 4 (half of 8 electrons in covalent bonds). A neutral nitrogen has 5 electrons. Therefore, the formal charge of N is +1. 19 30
Nitric acid Formal charges : .. H O N + – .. A Lewis structure is not complete unless formal charges (if any) are shown. 19 31
Formal Charge An arithmetic formula for calculating formal charge. Number of valence electrons number of bonds number of unshared electrons – – 16 32
"Electron Counts" and Formal Charges in NH4+ and BF4- .. B F : 1 4 N H + 7 – 4 17 33
Formal Charge: Selecting the Best Resonance Structure An atom “owns” all of its nonbonding electrons and half of its bonding electrons. Formal charge of atom = # valence e- - # unshared electrons - 1/2 # shared electrons
For OB # valence e- = 6 # nonbonding e- = 2 # bonding e- = 6 X 1/2 = 3 Formal charge = +1 For OC # valence e- = 6 # nonbonding e- = 6 # bonding e- = 2 X 1/2 = 1 Formal charge = -1 For OA # valence e- = 6 # nonbonding e- = 4 # bonding e- = 4 X 1/2 = 2 Formal charge = 0
Resonance and Formal Charge EXAMPLE: NCO- has 3 possible resonance forms - A B C
Now Determine Formal Charges -2 +1 -1 -1 Forms B and C have smaller formal charges; this makes them more important than form A. (rule 1) Form C has a negative charge on O which is the more electronegative element, therefore C contributes the most to the resonance hybrid. (rule 2)
Coordinate Covalent Bond A covalent bond in which one atom contributes both bonding electrons.
Predicting Molecular Geometry VSEPR Theory Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion The shape around the central atom(s) can be predicted by assuming that the areas of electrons on the central atom will repel each other
Each Bond counts as 1 area of electrons single, double or triple all count as 1 area Each Lone Pair counts a 1 area of electrons Even though lone pairs are not attached to other atoms, they do “occupy space” around the central atom Lone pairs generally “push harder” than bonding electrons, affecting the bond angle
Shapes Straight Line molecule made up of only 2 atoms
Shapes Linear Trigonal Planar 180° 2 atoms on opposite sides of central atom, no lone pairs around CA 180° bond angles Trigonal Planar 3 atoms form a triangle around the central atom, no lone pairs around CA Planar 120° bond angles 180° 120°
Tetrahedral 4 surrounding atoms form a tetrahedron around the central atom, no lone pairs around the CA 109.5° bond angles 109.5°
Shapes Trigonal Pyramidal V-shaped or Bent 3 bonding areas and 1 lone pair around the CA Bond angle = 1070 V-shaped or Bent 2 bonding areas and 2 lone pairs around the CA bond angle = 104.50
Polar Bonds: Electronegativity Measure of the ability of an atom to attract shared electrons Larger electronegativity means atom attracts more strongly Values 0.7 to 4.0 Increases across period (left to right) on Periodic Table Decreases down group (top to bottom) on Periodic Table
Larger difference in electronegativities means more polar bond negative end toward more electronegative atom Covalent bonding between unlike atoms results in unequal sharing of the electrons One end of the bond has larger electron density (more electronegative) than the other Polar covalent – unequal sharing Nonpolar covalent – equal sharing
Bond Polarity • H F d+ d- The result is bond polarity The end with the larger electron density gets a partial negative charge The end that is electron deficient gets a partial positive charge H F • d+ d-
Dipole Moment Bond polarity results in an unequal electron distribution, resulting in areas of partial positive and partial negative charge Any molecule that has a center of positive charge and a center of negative charge in different points is said to have a dipole moment
If a molecule has more than one polar covalent bond, the areas of partial negative and positive charge for each bond will partially add to or cancel out each other The end result will be a molecule with one center of positive charge and one center of negative charge The dipole moment affects the attractive forces between molecules and therefore the physical properties of the substance
Charge distribution in the water molecule
Polarity of Molecules Molecule will be NONPOLAR if: the bonds are nonpolar (Br-Br, F-F) there are no lone pairs around the central atom and all the atoms attached to the central atom are the same Molecule will be POLAR if: the central atom has lone pairs
Bond Length Distance between the nuclei of two bonded atoms. Average value Same bond get shorter when bond doubles or triples (C-C: 154 pm; C=C: 134 pm)
Bond Dissociation Energy Energy required to break a single bond Ex H-H: + 435 kJ H● + H● 435 kJ of energy/mole of H2 Shorter bond = Stronger bond = higher energy Calculate the amount of energy needed to dissociate 1 mole of C2H6. C-C: 348 kJ/mol; C-H: 398 kJ/mol
Enthalphy of reaction Breaking bonds: endothermic Formation of bonds: exothermic Calculate the enthalpy (ΔrH) of the combustion of 1 mol CH4 Break: 4 x C-H, 2 x O=O: + 2648 kJ/mol Form: 2 x C=O, 4 x O-H: - 3342 kJ/mol ΔrH = -694 kJ/mol
Bondlength (pm) and bond energy (kJ/mol) H--H 74 435 H--C 109 393 C--C 154 348 H--N 101 391 N--N 145 170 H--O 96 366 O--O 148 H--F 92 568 F--F 142 158 H--Cl 127 432 Cl-Cl 199 243 H--Br 141 Br-Br 228 193 H--I 161 298 I--I 267 151 C=C 134 614 C--N 147 308 CºC 120 839 C--O 143 360 C=O 121 736 O=O 498 C--F 135 488 C--Cl 177 330 NºN 110 945
Overlap of Orbitals
The degree of overlap is determined by the system’s potential energy equilibrium bond distance The point at which the potential energy is a minimum is called the equilibrium bond distance
Formation of sp hybrid orbitals The combination of an s orbital and a p orbital produces 2 new orbitals called sp orbitals. 2s These new orbitals are called hybrid orbitals The process is called hybridization What this means is that both the s and one p orbital are involved in bonding to the connecting atoms
Hybridization refers to a mixture or a blending Biology – refers to genetic material Chemistry – refers to blending of orbitals Remember, orbitals can only predict an area in space where an e- may be located. Sometimes blending orbitals can produce a lower, more stable bonding opportunity. Orbital hybridization occurs through e- promotion in orbitals that have similar energies (i.e. same energy level).
Hybridization Cont. Hybridization occurs WITHIN the atom to enhance bonding possibilities. Do not confuse this concept with orbital overlap (bonding). Hybridization is a concept used to explain observed phenomenon about bonding that can’t be explained by dot structures. EXAMPLES – draw box diagrams for Be, B, and C (use noble gas core).
How do I know if my CA is hybridized? If your CA is B, Be, C, Si, or Al then it is hybridized. If your molecule has multiple bonds in it then it is hybridized. Double bonds – sp2 hybridized Triple bonds – sp hybridized
Formation of sp2 hybrid orbitals
Formation of sp3 hybrid orbitals
Hybrid orbitals can be used to explain bonding and molecular geometry
Multiple Bonds Everything we have talked about so far has only dealt with what we call sigma bonds Sigma bond (s) A bond where the line of electron density is concentrated symmetrically along the line connecting the two atoms.
Pi bond (p) A bond where the overlapping regions exist above and below the internuclear axis (with a nodal plane along the internuclear axis).
Example: H2C=CH2
Example: H2C=CH2
Example: HCCH
Delocalized p bonds When a molecule has two or more resonance structures, the pi electrons can be delocalized over all the atoms that have pi bond overlap.
Example: C6H6 benzene Benzene is an excellent example. For benzene the p orbitals all overlap leading to a very delocalized electron system In general delocalized p bonding is present in all molecules where we can draw resonance structures with the multiple bonds located in different places.