Christie Han, Raymond Hui, and Derek Lee MICROORGANISMS OF THE DEEP SUBSURFACE
1. What is the Deep Subsurface? 2. The Subsurface Environment Metabolism, Adaptations 3. Sampling/Analytical Techniques Cultivation vs. Molecular 4. Subsurface Studies 5. Challenges 6. Why Care about the Subsurface? Future directions SEMINAR OUTLINE
Varies according to different disciplines Arbitrary numbers Microbiological definition Hydrologic framework WHAT IS DEFINED AS DEEP?
Intraterrestrial life can be found in various depths Hydrogen, methane, carbon dioxide gases formed deep inside earth Huge biomass of intraterrestrial microbes LIFE IN THE SUBSURFACE
Water is common Large solid surface area-to-water volume ratio Mostly in anaerobic conditions Exception: radiolysis of water Consolidated sediments, unconsolidated material Temperature and water activity is limiting factor ENVIRONMENTS FOR INTRATERRESTRIAL LIFE
Origin of Life Thomas Gold, astrophysicist: life originated beneath the surface Adaptation of microorganisms to grow and metabolize under the earth Thermophilic lithotroph Possibility of surface microbe interaction with subsurface Metabolism? WHAT IS GOING ON DOWN THERE? (THE THEORIES)
1.Reaction between gases in magma 2.Decomposition of methane to graphite and hydrogen at 600 o C temperatures 3.Reaction between CO 2, CH 4, H 2 O at elevated temperatures in vapours 4.Radiolysis of water 5.Cataclasis of silicates under stress 6.Hydrolysis by ferrous minerals in mafic rocks HYDROGEN GENERATION
Macrohabitats Ancient salt deposits Caves Critical Zone Marine sediments Microhabitats Community Structure Distribution SUBSURFACE ENVIRONMENTS
Nutrients Oxygen pH Porosity Radiation Salinity Temperature Tectonic activity Water ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS
Prokaryotes Bacteria Archaea Eukaryotes Fungi Algae Protozoa Viruses Constraints: microhabitat size and water availability CRITICAL ZONE
Surface MR = to g C/g cell C/hour Subsurface MR = to g C/g cell C/hour SURFACE VS. SUBSURFACE METABOLIC RATES
Photosynthesis-independent Indigenous or imported nutrients? Sedimentary C H 2 or methane (earth’s centre) Oxidation of organic matter coupled to electron acceptors at slower rates Mean generation time = thousands of years! METABOLISM
Quantitatively measures: Abundance and distribution Viable biomass Community composition Nutritional/physiological status PLFA = viable; DGFA = non-viable PHOSPHOLIPID FATTY ACID (PLFA) ANALYSIS
Are subsurface bacteria less resistant to UV radiation than surface bacteria?
Surprisingly comparable UV resistance as surface microbes Critical conservation of DNA repair pathways Chemical insults e.g. oxygen radicals Physiological characteristics Pigmentation, cell wall thickness ADAPTATIONS
Does not arrest DNA degradation or protect cellular components from chemical/radiolytic insults Maintaining low MR and high DNA repair capability is a superior strategy for the long- term Ribosomes and cell walls detected by FISH ARE THEY ASLEEP? (BACTERIAL DORMANCY)
Sporadic growth Slow growth rates Periods of dormancy Adaptation to habitat variability ADAPTIVE METABOLIC STRATEGIES
Main method of extraction: Drilling Samples must be properly extracted to avoid contaminants Major contaminant is drilling fluid Sterility of core samples confirmed by testing core samples for the presence of drilling fluid EXTRACTION AND SAMPLING
ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES Cultivation Dependent Direct count of Organisms Growing of the Microorganism Biochemical Activity Cultivation Independent (Molecular) RNA analysis Denaturing gel electrophoreses RFLP FISH analysis More….
CG content analysis DNA homology RNA analysis - probes - 16S rRNA - in situ Hybridization Genomics, Metagenomics and Proteomics Problems and Complications MOLECULAR TECHNIQUES
Archaea dominate the subsurface Lower permeability of cell membrane Energized membrane, lower energy costs Mediate methane production and consumption SUBSURFACE ARCHAEA
Ancient Archaeal Group Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Euryarchaeotal Group 6 Marine Benthic Group B Marine Benthic Groups A&D Marine Group I Archaea Marine Hydrothermal Vent Group Miscellaneous Crenarchaeotic Group South African Goldmine Euryarchaeotal Group Terrestrial Miscellaneous Euryarchaeotal Group SUBSURFACE ARCHAEA (CONT’D)
Isotope-labelled cells did not hybridize with Archaeal organisms Methodological difficulty of the technique Uncharacterized phylogenetic diversity Primer mismatches Unequal distribution between the groups Inaccurate representation of the Archaeal groups PROBLEMS WITH CHARACTERIZATION
Suggests unsampled subsurface diversity! PROBLEMS WITH CHARACTERIZATION (CONT’D)
New primer combinations/designs Many uncharacterized Archaea Better integration of phylogenetic and biogeochemical observations FUTURE IMPLICATIONS
High possibility of contamination Study of subsurface microorganisms survival rate to UV radiation and hydrogen peroxide Inaccuracies in quantification Classical culturing techniques unable to describe the total microbial community In situ and in laboratory disparities CHALLENGES OF STUDYING THE SUBSURFACE
Clean drilling equipment Aseptic containment of samples Tracers in drilling fluid Sample surrounding environment Immediate on-site analysis PREVENTION OF CONTAMINATION
Exploit microbial metabolism Radioactive wastes in the subsurface Ex. Pseudomonas spp. in Antarctica used to metabolize xenobiotic compounds BIOREMEDIATION
No method for proper storage/disposal Use subsurface microorganisms: Stabilize, retard, and assimilate Compared to other waste repositories, bacteria tend to be the most prominent, making subsurface MOs a possible area to look into nuclear waste disposal. NUCLEAR WASTE DISPOSAL
Limited growth and survival conditions Understanding habitability of deep subsurface can be extrapolated to habitability of other planets and Astrobiology EXTREMOPHILES AND ASTROBIOLOGY
Extrapolate subsurface studies to astrobiology Application to bioremediation - degradation of phenol and aromatics Uncovering a vast range of Archaea and Bacteria in deep marine subsurfaces and further understanding of marine microbial life Industrial Applications: - Oil extraction - Disposal of radioactive wastes - Energy reservoirs in sub-ocean floor sediments (methane) WHY CARE ABOUT THE SUBSURFACE?
Definition of “deep subsurface” Theories Environment, Metabolism, and Adaptations Molecular techniques > Cultivation Archaea dominate the subsurface Contamination is a major issue Subsurface MOs have a wide range of uses! SUMMARY