An Epic
1.) Hero has an unbelievable stature. 2.) Hero has superhuman strength or valor. 3.) The story has vast settings and the hero travels to many places. 4.) Story involves supernatural and overworlding forces. 5.) Sustained elevation of style. 6.) Poet is objective and omniscient. There are six elements to an Epic
Odyseus isn`t really divine,but he gets alot of help from the godess Athena. They even say that Athena loved Odysseus. She probably loved him differently, not as a lover. Not only did he get help from Athena,but his whole fate was controlled by the gods. Unbelievable Stature
Odysseus doesn`t have supernatural powers himself, but he has the godess Athena that helps him with supernatural powers. Although he doesn`t have super powers, but he accomplished things that ordinary people don`t achieve. He killed a cyclop and had a major role in the trojan war. He was known as wise and strong. Physically and mentally. SuperHuman
Odysseus goes to all kinds of places. He goes to troy they he gets stranded in an island. He then goes to Sparta and endures many challenges on his way back to his homeland Ithaka. Vast Settings
In the story there are many overworlding forces. The forces are mainly from the olympian gods. Athena is the most we hear about doing overworlding forces. Odysseus doesn`t encounter any de mons,but he encounters a cyclop that he then kills. Overworlding forces
The story has an elevated style of writing and It is written is a very poetic form. For example « But if you only knew down deep what pains are fated fill your cup before you reach that share you`d stay right here… » That is an example of the poetry in the book. Sustained elevation of Style
The story is written in third person, so the narrater knows and sees all. Allthough in some third person stories it is strongly concentrated on the pratogonist. But in the Odyssey and other epics you can see all the perspective. Poetry is objective and omniscient