ALL UNITS, ALL THE TIME!!!! What is wrong with this calculation? 600 1kW 2 hours = 1.2 kWh 1000 w day And this one?.375 kWh x 30 = 18
Remember, you were required to do your calculations using factor labeling (dimensional analysis) So all your calculations, including the conversion units are to be shown! Let’s try some calculations… Convert the 5600 w used by a clothes dryer into kW w 1 kW = 5.6 kWh 1000 w For every kWh used, you pay 11¢. So, how much would you pay for using your televisions 2.5kWh each day? 2.5 kWh.11 =.275 = 27.5¢ 1 kWh
Do you remember the 3 pollutants produced from coal burning that you calculated? They were CO 2, SO 2 and NOx The conversion factors were: For every 1 pound of coal burned, – 1.4 lbs CO 2 were produced – lbs of SO 2 were produced – lbs of NOx were produced The conversion factors would look like this: 1.4 lbs CO lbs of SO lbs of NOx 1 lb coal 1 lb coal 1 lb coal If your TV is on for 8 hours a day and it is a 250w TV, it would need 60 pounds of coal a month to produce enough electricity to run. How much CO 2, SO 2 and NOx would be produced?
1.4 lbs CO lbs of SO lbs of NOx 1 lb coal 1 lb coal 1 lb coal 6o lbs coal 1.4 lbs CO 2 = 84 lbs CO 2 1 lb coal 60 lbs coal lbs SO2 = 0.36 lbs SO 2 1 lb coal 60 lbs coal lbs NOx = 0.18 lbs Nox 1 lb coal
Try these conversions… 1- write the conversion factor you will use 2-write out the problems with factor labeling and solve How many km are 2750 meters? 1000 m = 1km 2750 m 1 km = km 1000 m How many kW are in 2750 watts? 1000 w = 1 kW 2750 w 1 kW = kW 1000 w How many minutes are in 24 hours? 1 hour = 60 minutes 24 hours 60 minutes = 1440 minutes 1 hour
What’s the big deal about CO 2, SO 2 and NOx ????? CO 2 is a green house gas and contributes to global warming. This warming disrupts plant and animal habitats and changes global climate. SO 2 combines with water vapor in the air and creates acid rain which falls into streams and on land. Animals and plants that live in low pH areas are affected. NOx