Neurological Disorders Dystonia Cerebral, spinal or cerebellar disorders Muscular dystrophy (MD) Myasthenia gravis (MG) Other movement terms related to Parkinson’s disease & tremors
Terms related to dystonia Dystonia Torticollis dys-difficult tontone, tension -iacondition tort/itwisted -collisneck
Dystonia Continuous, intermittent contraction of many muscles, making body part turn, eventually in a fixed way
Dystonia Spasmodic torticollis (focal dystonia)
Dystonia Blepharospasm - spasmodic winking of the eyelids Meige Syndrome - Forceful dystonic spasms of the face, in particular when trying to speak or to eat Henry Meige ( )
Dystonia Writer’s cramp Scott Adams, and his creation Dilbert
Dystonia Cramping of Parkinson’s disease Voice dystonias (3 types): Abductor spasmodic dystonia Adductor spasmodic dystonia Mixed
Dystonia Rx: botulinum toxin; dopamine (this may be a dopamine responsive dyskinesia)
Terms related to cerebral, spinal or cerebellar disorders Myoparesis Polyplegia Spasticity Ataxia (Dysdiadochokinesia) my/omuscle -paresisweakness poly-many -plegiastroke, paralysis spasticconvulsive -itycondition a-lack of -taxiaorder (coordination) diadochosucceeding Can you determine what dysdiadochokinesia means?
Terms related to MD or MG Muscular dystrophy (MD) Myasthenia gravis (MG) Neuromyopathic dys-difficult -trophynourishment, development dys-difficult -trophynourishment, development mymuscle -astheniaweakness gravisgrave -icpertaining to Does neur/o refer to the nervous system, nerve, or atypical (as in neurosis)?
Terms associated with plexus, nerve root or peripheral nerve disorders Atrophy Atonic Flaccid
Terms associated with plexus, nerve root or peripheral nerve disorders Myokinesis (Example: fasciculations) Association with: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or Lou Gehrig’s disease Spinal cord disorders Peripheral nerve disorders (carpal tunnel syndrome), nerve root disorders (herniation) Normal individuals -kinesismotion
Other movement terms Bradykinesia Hyperkinesia brady-slow
Does neur/o refer to the nervous system, nerve, or atypical (as in neurosis)? a. nervous systemnervous system b. nervenerve c. atypicalatypical
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Image Credits Nerve root: disc.gif disc.gif Robin Williams: Cover: Gahrrr: I Sorry: _GrHGC0/Tcn2uEjUGvI/AAAAAAAAAGo/y3ctIhyO9yk/s1600/im-sorry+copy.jpg _GrHGC0/Tcn2uEjUGvI/AAAAAAAAAGo/y3ctIhyO9yk/s1600/im-sorry+copy.jpg Correct: png png