FDR’s First New Deal Programs and the Dust Bowl
This is preeminently the time to speak the truth,, frankly and boldly. Nor need we shrink from honestly facing conditions in our country today. This great Nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper. So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself - nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.
First Hundred Days FDR was very active, very aggressive Wanted to create a feeling that government was there to help Put people at ease with Fireside Chats People were very optimistic FDR was very active, very aggressive Wanted to create a feeling that government was there to help Put people at ease with Fireside Chats People were very optimistic
“It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another.” What was FDR saying about how his administration should try to end the Great Depression? How do you think this approach was received by the citizens? What was FDR saying about how his administration should try to end the Great Depression? How do you think this approach was received by the citizens?
The First New Deal
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) 300,000 men between the ages of 18 and 25 were hired to work in the nation's parks and forests. For $30 a month, CCC workers planted trees, built fire towers, restocked streams, and restored historic battlefields. Workers lived in wilderness camps By 1942, when the program ended, 2.5 million men had served in Roosevelt's "Tree Army." It excluded women, imposed rigid quotas on blacks 300,000 men between the ages of 18 and 25 were hired to work in the nation's parks and forests. For $30 a month, CCC workers planted trees, built fire towers, restocked streams, and restored historic battlefields. Workers lived in wilderness camps By 1942, when the program ended, 2.5 million men had served in Roosevelt's "Tree Army." It excluded women, imposed rigid quotas on blacks
Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA) Gave money to states to help those in need buy food Not popular as people did not want handouts (pride) Gave money to states to help those in need buy food Not popular as people did not want handouts (pride)
Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) Sought to raise farm prices and control production of farm goods. Paid farmers to NOT grow crops in some fields. Farmers incomes rose 50% during the first three years Supreme Court ruled the AAA unconstitutional for invading the reserved powers of the states in U.S. vs. Butler (1936). Sought to raise farm prices and control production of farm goods. Paid farmers to NOT grow crops in some fields. Farmers incomes rose 50% during the first three years Supreme Court ruled the AAA unconstitutional for invading the reserved powers of the states in U.S. vs. Butler (1936).
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Sought to control flooding in rural Tennessee Built 21 dams to generate electricity for tens of thousands of farm families Sought to control flooding in rural Tennessee Built 21 dams to generate electricity for tens of thousands of farm families
National Recovery Administration (NRA) Set up voluntary agreements among businesses to cut excess production. Covered production, prices, wages, and hours of work. Somewhat successful, but businesses thought government was getting in the way Set up voluntary agreements among businesses to cut excess production. Covered production, prices, wages, and hours of work. Somewhat successful, but businesses thought government was getting in the way
Public Works Administration (PWA) The first major program to attack unemployment It was supposed to serve as a "pump-primer," providing people with money to spend on industrial products. In six years the spent $6 billion building such projects as the port in Brownsville, Texas and a sewer system in Chicago. PWA did not spend sufficient money to significantly reduce unemployment. The first major program to attack unemployment It was supposed to serve as a "pump-primer," providing people with money to spend on industrial products. In six years the spent $6 billion building such projects as the port in Brownsville, Texas and a sewer system in Chicago. PWA did not spend sufficient money to significantly reduce unemployment.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Created to insure bank deposits to eliminate the issues that led to the Depression Insurance Limits on Individual Accounts – $2500 – $5000 – $10,000 – $250,000 Created to insure bank deposits to eliminate the issues that led to the Depression Insurance Limits on Individual Accounts – $2500 – $5000 – $10,000 – $250,000
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Punishes dishonest stockbrokers and speculators
The Great Depression: The Human Toll The Great Depression: The Human Toll From Digital History
The Great Depression in Statistics
Americans Face Hard Times Dust Bowl
"Dust Bowl" by Alexandre Hogue (Missouri, )
Letters to Eleanor Roosevelt First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt receives thousands of letters during the Depression about people’s issues She serves as the eyes and ears of FDR and makes suggestions about how govt. can help Letters to Eleanor Roosevelt First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt receives thousands of letters during the Depression about people’s issues She serves as the eyes and ears of FDR and makes suggestions about how govt. can help Letters to Eleanor Roosevelt