Unit: Introduction to Land Surveying Lesson: Methods of Surveying
Surveying Surveying is involved in many activities and requires various degrees of accuracy The different types of surveying will be discussed here, but our class activities will only involve a few of these methods
Plane Surveying The curvature of the earth is neglected Used mostly in small areas and settings Most agricultural surveys are done this way
Geodetic Surveying The curvature of the earth is considered Used mostly in large areas and settings Used to locate precise points needed for other surveys
Land or Boundary Surveying Establishes property corners and land lines Usually a closed survey = a survey that starts and stops at the same point
Topographic Surveying Used to prepare topographic maps Usually shows natural and artificial features as well as different points of elevations
Route Surveying Used for the construction of highways, railroads, pipelines, canals, etc. These are projects that do not start and stop at the same point
Hydrographic Surveying Used to establish shorelines, boundaries of lakes, streams, and other bodies of water
Construction Surveying Used on the “job site” Provides locations of structures Provides information on various elevations of structures
Photogrammetric Surveying Uses land or aerial photographs for making measurements
Lesson Closure Define the purpose of land surveying Name and discuss different methods of surveying