PLAGIARISM What is it and why is it bad?
PLAGIARISM Plagiarism is defined as the act of presenting someone else’s ideas as your own. Plagiarism is defined as the act of presenting someone else’s ideas as your own.
PLAGIARISM From the MHS Code of Conduct From the MHS Code of Conduct Cheating/Plagiarism (S0141): Fraudulent deception in preparing, or presenting course work or class assignments as a student’s own work when it is not. This includes, but is not limited to: (1) copying another student’s work, (2) unauthorized use of notes or sharing answers during a test, (3) presenting another person’s work as one’s own, or (4) presenting quotations, words or ideas without proper references or credit (plagiarism). Repeated offenses will be considered defiance and treated as such.
PLAGIARISM According to the Senior Project Manual…”Any student found to have plagiarized any part of the senior project research paper will be required to repeat every step of the process with a new topic.” According to the Senior Project Manual…”Any student found to have plagiarized any part of the senior project research paper will be required to repeat every step of the process with a new topic.”
PLAGIARISM (continued)…”Any student found to have plagiarized a second time will be required to complete the senior project in the summer term and will not graduate with the class. Failure to properly cite within the research paper is plagiarism”.... (Senior Project Guide for Students, 2009, p.8) (continued)…”Any student found to have plagiarized a second time will be required to complete the senior project in the summer term and will not graduate with the class. Failure to properly cite within the research paper is plagiarism”.... (Senior Project Guide for Students, 2009, p.8)
PLAGIARISM Word-for-word Plagiarism: a researcher repeats the exact word for the source without giving necessary credit. Word-for-word Plagiarism: a researcher repeats the exact word for the source without giving necessary credit.
PLAGIARISM Paraphrase Plagiarism: occurs when a researcher basically says the same thing as the original source with only a few words changed. Paraphrase Plagiarism: occurs when a researcher basically says the same thing as the original source with only a few words changed.
PLAGIARISM Spot Plagiarism: a researcher uses only a source’s key words or phrases as his or her own without giving credit. Spot Plagiarism: a researcher uses only a source’s key words or phrases as his or her own without giving credit.
PLAGIARISM You owe it to your sources, your readers, and yourself to give credit for the ideas you use, unless the ideas are widely accepted as “common knowledge.” You owe it to your sources, your readers, and yourself to give credit for the ideas you use, unless the ideas are widely accepted as “common knowledge.”
PLAGIARISM Common knowledge means that most people already know it or it can be found in nearly any basic reference book on the subject. Common knowledge means that most people already know it or it can be found in nearly any basic reference book on the subject.
PLAGIARISM The general “rule of thumb” is that if you can find the same information in at least five (5) sources, it is “common knowledge” and it does not have to be cited. The general “rule of thumb” is that if you can find the same information in at least five (5) sources, it is “common knowledge” and it does not have to be cited.
PLAGIARISM Sources: Sources: Appoquinimink School District. (2009) Student Code of Conduct. Appoquinimink School District. (2009) Student Code of Conduct. Sebranek, P., Meyer, V., & Kemper, D. (Eds.). (2006). Writers inc: A student handbook for writing and learning. Wilmington, MA: DC Heath and Company. Sebranek, P., Meyer, V., & Kemper, D. (Eds.). (2006). Writers inc: A student handbook for writing and learning. Wilmington, MA: DC Heath and Company. Senior project guide for students (Class of 2010). (2009). Middletown High School. Senior project guide for students (Class of 2010). (2009). Middletown High School.