Five Key Questions Why are we here? What are we doing? How well are we doing it? What does it mean? Where are we going?
1. Why Are We Here? College Department/Program Community College Act (110 ILCS 805/1-2) HCC Mission, Values and Institutional Goals Statewide Goals IBHE Public Agenda ICCB Promise for Illinois Revisited Department Mission and Purposes Relationship to HCC Mission AQIP Category(ies) supported Relationship to statewide goals, if any
2. What Are We Trying To Accomplish? College Department/Program Ongoing Operational Goals/Activities AQIP Categories How will we measure progress/success? Performance Measures Target Level if appropriate Departmental Goals and Objectives Performance measures Data sources Responsible party/parties
3. How Well Are We Doing It? College Department/Program Monitor performance measures Regular internal reports CQI Report Required external reports AQIP Systems Portfolio Measure achievement of goals Establish metrics Identify available comparative data Identify benchmarks or target levels of performance
4. What Does It Mean? College Department/Program Compare performance to Internal historical data Peers Target levels External benchmarks Consider external factors Environmental Scan Consider internal factors Analyze and interpret comparative data Identify external factors impacting department/ program Identify internal factors impacting department/ program
5. Where Are We Going? College Department/Program Strategic Plan What new initiatives are needed? What major improvements are needed? Areas of special emphasis Align with AQIP Action Projects Establish budgetary and other resource requirements Areas in need of improvement New initiatives Specify goals, time line, responsibilities, resource requirements
HCC 2008 – 2012 Strategic Goals Continue to enhance financial position Continue to improve by participating in AQIP Continue to provide high quality education Foster a climate of cultural understanding and global awareness
Relationships Among Goals HCC Goals Division Goals (IS, CE, BS, IA) Program/Department Goals Position/Individual Goals
Five Key Questions Annual Review Cycle Why are we here? Mission What are we doing? Op Goals How well are we doing it? Data What does it mean? Analysis Where are we going? SP Goals
Recognition Process ICCB Recognition Manual HCC conducts a self-study HCC applies to ICCB for Recognition ICCB reviews application materials ICCB conducts a site visit Draft Report/HCC Response ICCB awards “Continued Recognition” Process recurs in five years
Ethical standards and HCC institutional values Culture of evidence and accountability Compliance with federal regulations Why do we need it? HSRRB is the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at HCC. Responsible for ensuring that any human subject research conducted at HCC meets legal and ethical standards
One from each academic division One from Student Services One from Institutional Research One each from Business Services and Continuing Education One external member not associated with the College HSRRB Membership
Individuals can be directly or indirectly identified Results will be published or presented in a public venue Subjects are members of protected or vulnerable populations Children, mentally impaired, prisoners, non-native speakers, etc. Subjects are at risk Potential harm to health, well-being or reputation External purpose Grant funded, thesis, dissertation, etc. Research Must be Reviewed if…
Compliance reporting Internal research Classroom assessment, program review, etc. Student research for class requirements Assume faculty inform students of ethical principles Except: If subjects are at risk If presented in a public venue BUT, IRB must maintain a catalog & documentation of all research Exempt from HSRRB Oversight
Links Strategic Plan Recognition Self-Study Report Z:\DepartmentalInformation\InstitutionalResearchan dStrategicPlanning\ICCBRecognitionSelf- Study2010.pdf Z:\DepartmentalInformation\InstitutionalResearchan dStrategicPlanning\ICCBRecognitionSelf- Study2010.pdf Institutional Review Board Z:\DepartmentalInformation\InstitutionalResearchan dStrategicPlanning\HCCIRBGuide docx Z:\DepartmentalInformation\InstitutionalResearchan dStrategicPlanning\HCCIRBGuide docx And IR Intranet page