D EAF EDUCATORS By: Raquel Mendoza
W HAT IS DEAF EDUCATION ? Deaf Education is a professional field for children who are deaf or hard of hearing. Deaf Education provides a great foundation and career options for individuals who are interested in working with this unique population of students. We are teachers specifically for students that are deaf or hard hearing.
W HERE DO DEAF EDUCATORS WORK ? Private schools for the deaf Public Schools (Government law states every child has the right to receive an appropriate education.) Clinics Tutoring Exclusive settings
C AN EXPAND THEIR CAREERS : Speech language Pathology Career Technology Audiology School Counseling Social Work Educational Administration Etc.
M ETHODS USED TO TEACH American Sign Language (ASL) English Sign Systems Group seating Working with students who use fm transmitters and/or who have hearing aid/s or cochlear implants. Government law states every child has the right to an education.
B ECOMING A DEAF EDUCATOR Oral-Aral Programs- Bilingual-Bicultural Programs- Comprehensive programs- Hold all-level teacher certification and may teach pre-school through high school. Have a Masters Degree in Deaf Education to be fully certified. A Masters degree can take up to six years. Types of ProgramsCertification
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