Introductory Exercise My Money, My Business
Step 1 Log-on to your PC Using the Internet, find a car you would like to own. The car, truck, or SUV must be: –American or Japanese only –New, not used Copy/Paste your selection to MSWord and label it Step 1. Then save this document in your student files calling it “First Exercise”.
Step 2 Using the Internet, search for your vehicles “specifications” (such as MPG, options, etc.) Find out how many gallons the gas tank holds (tank capacity) Record this information in your Word document. Label it Step 2.
Step 3 Using the Internet, find the highest price per gallon for gasoline sold in the United States (today) As a group, we’ll record our findings in the MSWord document and label it Step 3.
Step 4 Using the Internet, answer the following: –What is the current minimum wage for the State of Pennsylvania? We’ll record this as a group in and label it Step 4 in our Word file.
Step 5 Calculate the following for Step 5 in your Word document: –How much does it cost you to fill your gas tank once? (we determined gas is $3.25/gallon)
Step 6 In your Word document, Step 6 should provide the following: –How many hours do you have to work to fill your tank if you make minimum wage?
Step 7 Question: –Is your answer for Step 6 correct? Why, or why not?
Step 8 Make sure your name is on the first page of your MSWord document. Insert page numbers if necessary and print your document to be turned in for points. This exercise is worth 50 points.