Enterprise education Guzmán García González-Posada.


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Presentation transcript:

Enterprise education Guzmán García González-Posada

 Education for Entrepreneurship has not been invented  Parents think that entrepreneurship is unhealthy  Society consider enterprising people are “strange” THE CONCEPT XXI Century Enterprise culture

Broader concept Involves developing certain personal qualities Not directly focused on business creation THE CONCEPT Enterprise Education Specific concept Training in how to create a business

Personal Self-confidence Critical thinking Independence Entrepreneurial Initiative Creativity Confronting risks THE CONCEPT Personal qualities Management Planning Decison-making Communication Responsibility Social Networking Team work Learning to assume new roles

Green Paper: “Entrepreneurship in Europe ” “ Entrepreneurship Action Plan” “Education and training should contribute to encouraging entrepreneurship, by fostering the right mindset, awareness of carrer opportunities as an entrepreneur and skills” “Offering entrepreneurship as a carrer option to everyone in our societies does not just bring economic benefits, but may also give new perspectives to people´s careers, specifically for disadvantaged groups of people and regions” Although examples of good practices can be found in all countries, there is a need for further improvement and consolidation. What seems still to be lacking is a coherent structure, so that existing activities can have a place in the education system” Helping to create an entrepreneuroal culture: good practices in promoting entrepreneurial attitudes and skills through education” THE CHALLENGES The EU Documents

Assesment of compliance with the entrepreneurship education objective in the context of the 2006 Spring Council conclusions DG Enterprise Member States where entrepreneurship is well established in the curricula are still a small minority Implementing means (teacher training, teaching materials) still need to be stepped up The work of non-profit organisations in the promotion of entrepreneurship should be better recognised and supported by public policy Communication from the Commission: “Fostering entrepreneurial mindsets through education and learning” “National and regional authorities should establish cooperation between different departments, leading to developing a strategy with clear objectives and covering all stages of education” THE CHALLENGES The EU Documents

Low involvement / Lack of systematic approach of formal education policy Limited coverage of entrepreneurship within the formal school curriculum Teachers are not all prepared and have no materials for them Education activities are adressed to general population and less to specific target groups No conection between school and enterprises THE CHALLENGES Copie tool conclusions

“An effective methodology for spreading entrepreneurial mindsets, as it is based on learning through direct experience of entrepreneurship.” “A pedagogical tool based on practical experience by means of running a complete enterprise project, and on interaction with the external environment” Best Procedure Project “Mini-companies in secondary education” EUROPEAN COMMISSION Brussels, September 2005 AN EXAMPLE OF GOOD PRACTICE: Valnalon´s minicompanies

PEDAGOGICAL PURPOSE Run by students Protected environment REAL economic activity AN EXAMPLE OF GOOD PRACTICE: Valnalon´s minicompanies

Promoting the development of personal qualities relevant to entrepreneurship Raising students’ awareness of self- employment as a career option Providing the business skills that are needed in order to start a new venture AN EXAMPLE OF GOOD PRACTICE: Valnalon´s minicompanies Goals

To bring together policies, practices and structure that can support the full range of enterprises education approaches with a special focus on the needs of disadvantaged groups and areas THE WAY AHEAD: COPIE 2 Objectives To understand and improve how policy for enterprise education has been developed in the participating regions To look at how structures that are external or internal to the education system can support teachers and other people working with youth to work in this field

Creation of stakeholder groups in the territories Field visits and exchange visits to key projects using Peer review methodologies Short term exchanges of staff working in the field Pilot actions for the transfer of methodologies Development of tools needed in order to transform educational systems THE WAY AHEAD: COPIE 2 The methods

Real methodological transfers in regions Compilation of methodologies all around Europe Proposal of a european model for entrepreneurship education ENTREPRENEURSHIP SHOULD BECOME AN ACHIEVABLE ASPIRATION FOR THE MANY RATHER THAN THE FEW THE WAY AHEAD: COPIE 2 Possible / Expected results