Plan for SCRF BTR January , 2012 Akira Yamamoto, Marc Ross, and Nick Walker (PMs) Jim Kerby, and Tetsuo Shidara (SCRF-APMs) Presented and discussed at GDE-EC, Dec. 1, , GDE-PMsPlan for SCRF-BTR
TDR Technical Volumes , GDE-PMs Reference Design Report ILC Technical Progress Report (“interim report”) TDR Part I: R&D TDR Part II: Baseline Reference Report Technical Design Report ~250 pages Deliverable 2 ~300 pages Deliverables 1,3 and 4 * end of 2012 – formal publication early 2013 AD&I Plan for SCRF-BTR
TDR Part I: R&D - Outline 1.Introduction 5 pages 2.Superconducting RF Technology 75 pages 3.Beam Test Facilities 75 pages 4.Accelerator Systems R&D 50 pages 5.Post-TDR R&D 20 pages 6.Conclusions 10 pages , GDE-PMsPlan for SCRF-BTR
TDR Part I: R&D - Outline 1.Introduction 5 pages 2.Superconducting RF Technology 75 pages 3.Beam Test Facilities 75 pages 4.Accelerator Systems R&D 50 pages 5.Post-TDR R&D 10 pages 6.Conclusions 10 pages , GDE-PMs 2.1 Overview (Yamamoto, Ross) 2.2 Development of world-wide SCRF R&D infrastructure (Kerby, Elsen, Hayano) 2.3 High-gradient SCRF cavity R&D and the yield evaluation (Geng, Gisburg) 2.4 Cavity Integration (Hayano) 2.5 The S1-Global experiment (Hayano, Kerby, Moeller ) 2.6 Cryomodule, cryogenics thermal balance, and Quad. R&D (Pierini, Peterson, Kashkin) 2.7 RF power generation and distribution(Fukuda, Nantista) 2.8 R&D toward mass-production(Kerby, Elsen, Saeki) 2.1 Overview (Yamamoto, Ross) 2.2 Development of world-wide SCRF R&D infrastructure (Kerby, Elsen, Hayano) 2.3 High-gradient SCRF cavity R&D and the yield evaluation (Geng, Gisburg) 2.4 Cavity Integration (Hayano) 2.5 The S1-Global experiment (Hayano, Kerby, Moeller ) 2.6 Cryomodule, cryogenics thermal balance, and Quad. R&D (Pierini, Peterson, Kashkin) 2.7 RF power generation and distribution(Fukuda, Nantista) 2.8 R&D toward mass-production(Kerby, Elsen, Saeki) Plan for SCRF-BTR
TDR Part I: R&D - Outline 1.Introduction 5 pages 2.Superconducting RF Technology 75 pages 3.Beam Test Facilities 75 pages 4.Accelerator Systems R&D 50 pages 5.Post-TDR R&D 10 pages 6.Conclusions 10 pages , GDE-PMs 3.1 Over View (Ross, Walker) 3.2 FLASH 9 mA experiment (Carwardine, Walker) 3.3 Cesr TA and electron-could R&D(Palmer) 3.4 ATF2 final focus experiment (Tauchi, Burrows) 3.5 Fermilab-NML (Nagaitsev) 3.6 Quantum Beam at KEK(Urakawa, Hayano) 3.1 Over View (Ross, Walker) 3.2 FLASH 9 mA experiment (Carwardine, Walker) 3.3 Cesr TA and electron-could R&D(Palmer) 3.4 ATF2 final focus experiment (Tauchi, Burrows) 3.5 Fermilab-NML (Nagaitsev) 3.6 Quantum Beam at KEK(Urakawa, Hayano) Plan for SCRF-BTR
TDR Part II: ILC Baseline Reference 1.Introduction and overview 5 pages 2.General parameters and layout 15 pages 3.SCRF Main Linacs 60 pages 4.Polarised electron source 15 pages 5.Positron source 20 pages 6.Damping Rings 30 pages 7.Ring to Main Linac (RTML) 20 pages 8.Beam Delivery System & MDI 30 pages 9.CFS and global systems 30 pages see later , GDE-PMs Detailed section outline available here Plan for SCRF-BTR
TDR Part II: ILC Baseline Reference 1.Introduction and overview 5 pages 2.General parameters and layout 15 pages 3.SCRF Main Linacs 60 pages 4.Polarised electron source 15 pages 5.Positron source 20 pages 6.Damping Rings 30 pages 7.Ring to Main Linac (RTML) 20 pages 8.Beam Delivery System & MDI 30 pages 9.CFS and global systems 30 pages see later , GDE-PMs Detailed section outline available here Plan for SCRF-BTR 3.1 Main linac layout and parameters (Adolphsen) 3.2 Cavity performance and production specification (Yamamoto, Kerby) 3.3 Cavity integration, coupler, tuners,… (Hayano) 3.4 Cryomodule design including quad (Pierini) 3.5 Cryogenics systems (Peterson) 3.6 RF power and distribution systems (Fukuda, Nantista) 3.7 Low-level RF control (Carwardine, Michizono) 3.1 Main linac layout and parameters (Adolphsen) 3.2 Cavity performance and production specification (Yamamoto, Kerby) 3.3 Cavity integration, coupler, tuners,… (Hayano) 3.4 Cryomodule design including quad (Pierini) 3.5 Cryogenics systems (Peterson) 3.6 RF power and distribution systems (Fukuda, Nantista) 3.7 Low-level RF control (Carwardine, Michizono)
How to prepare for BTR and TDR? Technical discussion in TTC, Dec. 5 – 8, to evaluate technically satisfactory/acceptable design for projects. ILC Specific discussion in post-TTC, Dec. 8-9, to seek for cost- effective technical choice to prepare for BTR Consensus/Decision for TDR writing, BTR at KEK, Jan. 19 – 20, , GDE-PMsPlan for SCRF-BTR
GDE-SCRF Meeting as a post-TTC meeting, Dec. 8-9 Based on the cryomodule test results and on technical discussions made in TTC, – Present PM’s guidelines (as Introduction) Current view for the baseline design – Discuss baseline technology for the ILC TDR and the cost estimates Project-oriented, cost-effective technology choice for the TDR Group leaders respond to the current view of the baseline , GDE-PMs Plan for SCRF-BTR
Important Step and Guideline 1 st step: – We evaluate technology to satisfy the ILC requirements We keep ‘plug-compatibity concept’ and define envelope and interface 2 nd step: – We need to choose one of designs for the cost estimate base in TDR , GDE-PMsPlan for SCRF-BTR
TTC: WG-1 Agenda (Indico Page) , GDE-PMsPlan for SCRF-BTR
Technical Change Guideline Proposal (preliminary) ML Integration Parameters and layout Confirmed including alignment tolerance CM and Q periodicity: 8+4Q4+8 requiring additional ML length ( ~ 100 m) How we shall provide additional backup length and utility of 400 m? Cavity performance Yield Gradient spread Degradation 1st pass: 50 (or 60) %, 2 nd pass: 80 (or 70) % /- 20 % confirmed Assume 1/10 cavity to degrade 20 % Cavity integration Envelope Tuner type, coupler warm-flange, beam pipe, magnetic shield (inside/outside), Lhe tank etc. CryomoduleEnvelope/interface Unit 5 K radiation shield Piping interface, inter-connect condition, etc, 8+4Q4+8 Simplification CryogenicsUnit capacity 5 4 units / linac RF powerConfiguration DRFS in mountain site, KCS in flat land Cost(Conversion) (PPP) , GDE-PMs Plan for SCRF-BTR
Agenda for SCRF Meeting, Dec. 8 TimeGroupSubjectsSpeaker/ Convener 13:30PM’s reports1.Technical guideline with current view 2.Specific subjects to be studied Yamamoto Ross 14:30Cavity gradientScope for improving the gradient, - Production Yield and the variation assumed, - Degradation after the cavity string assembly - Scope for 1 TeV Geng 15:10Cavity Plug-compatible envelope - Tuner, Input-coupler, beam-flange, magnetic shield, etc. - LHe tank, suspension scheme and alignment, etc. Hayano 15:50CryomoduleCryomodule envelop and interface (flanges etc..) with plug- compatility - Simplification of 5 K radiation shield - Assembly, alignment, tolerance, and deliverable conditions - Cryomodule unit: desired to be (8+4Q4+8) - Conduction cooled, splittable SC quadrupole - Others: High-pressure-code issues, and Interface to CFS Pierini 16:30 -16:45 Coffee break , GDE-PMsPlan for SCRF-BTR
Agenda for SCRF Meeting,Dec. 8 TimeGroupSubjectsSpeaker - 16:45Coffee break 16:45CryogenicsThermal balance with cryomodule thermal load, - Cryogenics unit and locations: hopefully to be reduced (5 to 4 units / linac) - Interfaces to CFS Peterson 17:10HLRF- Baseline design and backup solutions for KCS and DRFS, and RDR backup for each case - Consistent baseline design in ML and BDS (booster) - Power balance and mechanical installation Interfaces to CFS - Specially because of gradient spreads, degradation after installation into cryomodule, and their influence (difference) to the cost, Fukuda/Nan tista 18:00MLI- Beam dynamics, alignment tolerances, possible tilting allowance etc... - Interfaces to CFS: additional tunnel length, - backup length (~400 m?), and - additional length for compensating the degradation. - additional length for CM unit change to 8 +4Q4+8, - 1 TeV extension (assumption and consideration) Adolphsen (Yokoya, Kubo) 18: :45 SummaryTo prepare for the 2 nd dayKerby , GDE-PMsPlan for SCRF-BTR
EXFEL Cavity Deliverable in Specification , GDE-PMs Plan for SCRF-BTR From EXFEL specification: 02L BQM-Cavity in He Tank
Cavity Cost-study compared with RDR and E-FXEL, in progress ILC: RDR EXFEL: Original 300 EXFEL: + 80 ILC estimate Prep.+Prod. Yrs. Fraction 100 % , 50, or 50% # cavity SC Material (supplied) Supplied Mech. Fabrication including EBW Chemistry Ti He-Vessel sub- component (Supplied) Accept. Test (RT) Factory investment Sum Tuner (A / B) AAA(B / C) Coupler etc. … , GDE-PMs Plan for SCRF-BTR
Status of Cost-estimate/Study for 9-cell cavity with LHe tank (example) Relative cost RDR EXFEL Current estimate , GDE-PMsPlan for SCRF-BTR LHe T + TunerRelative cost A B C
ML Integration RDRChange to TDREffect on the cost Actions, D- cost Beam Parameters Lattice design Cryomodule unit9+4Q4+98+4Q4+8ML-dL = ~70 m Degradation in cryomodule 01/10 cavities: - 20 % gradient Circulator , GDE-PMsPlan for SCRF-BTR
Cavity Gradient Performance RDRChange to TDREffect on the costD- cost Gradient spread035+/- 20 %Add. HLRF power10 ~15 % Production Y.80 %90 % Success scenario1 st : 50 %, 2 nd, 80 % 1 st : 60 %, 2 nd, 70 % Backup length400 m? Backup for degradation 0?? , GDE-PMsPlan for SCRF-BTR
Cavity Integration RDRChange to TDREffect on the costD- cost Plug-compatible interface/envelope Beam flangeDiamond Helico Input coupler40 phi 60 phi TunerBlade Slide - Jack Magnetic shieldInside Outside Lhe tankTi (study SUS for future) Deliverablew/ LHe tank , GDE-PMsPlan for SCRF-BTR
Cryomodule RDRChange to TDREffect on the costD- cost Envelope/interfae Unit9+4Q4+98+4Q4+8 Interconnect+ 8 % 5 K radiation shieldyesSimplification- ~ several % , GDE-PMsPlan for SCRF-BTR
RF Power RDRChange to TDREffect on the costD- cost HLRF basic schemeRDRKCS DRFS + circulator Klystron10 MW 0.8 MW ModulatorMarx , GDE-PMsPlan for SCRF-BTR
Agenda for SCRF Meeting, Dec. 9 TimeGroupSubjectsSpeaker 9:00DiscussionSummary of the 1 st day Define and assign home-work Schedule for meeting to prepare for the BTR Yamamoto Ross Kerby 10:30 - Coffee break 11:00S1-Global report Status report Discussion for finalizing the report Hayano 12:00 end , GDE-PMsPlan for SCRF-BTR
General Scope for SCRF-BTR at KEK, Jan.19-20, 2012 For each Subject, we must have 1) presentation of the proposal with a description of what is to be changed and why, 2) summary of the R&D in support of the change, 3) summary of the interfaces and the impact on related systems and components, especially CFS, and 4) thorough explanation of the cost impact. This format – followed with the previous Reviews. While items 1) and 2) are to be presented by the appropriate group leader, items 3) and 4) must also have comment from the CFS team and the cost engineers. In some cases there is no impact on CFS. But in all cases there must be a cost impact evaluation. Most of the topics have more than one interface with technical area groups within SRF technology and many have an impact on beam dynamics. The BTR agenda should therefore include, in addition to the comprehensive presentations by the group leaders, presentations by the CFS team, the cost engineers and the beam dynamics group , GDE-PMsPlan for SCRF-BTR
Agenda Proposed for SCRF BTR at KEK Jan. 19 – 20, 2012 DateTechnical AreaSubjects to be fixedPresenters/Conven ers 19/am-1 Welcome Address Guideline for SCRFand ML KEK’s status and scope for ILC Technical guideline and homework Suzuki Yamamoto/Ross/Walker Am-2 ML Integration CFS Parameters, Layout Progress and requests from CFS Adolphsen Kuchler Pm-1 Cavity performance and production Production and process recipe Production yield definition in production stage Gradient spread, margin, and sorting Cavity performance test requirements Geng et al. Yamamoto/Kerby tbd Pm-2 Cavity integration CFS and Cost Cavity envelope/interface Tuner design for the cost base in TDR Input coupler, Magnetic shield Beam flange with gasket type Acceptance criteria Comments Hayano et al. Dugan 20/am-1 Cryomodule CFS and Cost Cryomodule envelope/interface CM unit configuration 8+4Q4+8, Simplification of 5 K shield Test procedure and fraction Comments Pierini et al. TBD Am-2 Cryogenics systems CFS Cryogenics capacity/units 5 4 units/Linac Utility conditions Peterson et al. Pm-1 RF power system CFS and cost KCS/DRFS configuration and power margin Marx generator, power supply, Comments Fukuda/Nantista et al. TBD Pm-2 Cost Summary SCRF and CFS cost Decision summary Dugan Yamamoto/Ross/Walker , GDE-PMsPlan for SCRF-BTR
Cavity Integration , GDE-PMsPlan for SCRF-BTR
Technical Issues toward TDR Cavity gradient : (discussion led by R. Geng) – Update and fix the cavity production and process recipe. – Update and fix the successful production yield definition in production stage, including new parameters such as radiation, and the process w/ tumbling – Gradient spread of 31.5 MV/m +/-20 %, with sorting method, – Gradient degradation after assembly into the cryomodule (see: HLRF/DRFS w/ circulator) Cavity Integration (discussion led by H. Hayano) – A baseline design chosen for the TDR cost-estimate base, Including selection of tuner, coupler, beam-flange, magnetic shield, and LHe tank – Plug-compatible design to be allowed in case of cost equivalent or more cost effective. – Cavity delivery condition with LHe-tank, and cold-test sequence/monitor, Cryomodule and Cavity-string Assembly (discussion led by P. Perini) – Cryomodule string configuration with 8 + (4+Q+4) + 8 cavity-string assembly – Simplification of 5K radiation-shield: simplification of bottom, and removal at inter-connect. – Split-yoke, conduction-cooled quadrupoles – Efficient alignment Cavity and Cryomodule Test (discussion led by H. Hayano) – Warm conditioning of Input Coupler: before or after installation into the tunnel – Cold performance test: How much fraction to be cold tested? Subjects to be tested? , GDE-PMsPlan for SCRF-BTR
Continued Cryogenics (discussion led by T. Peterson) – Location and the options (reducing the number of station) of cryogenic systems, – Capacity optimization and heat balance with cryomodule heat-load HLRF (discussed led by S. Fukuda and C. Nantista) – KCS/DRFS/RDR-unit HLRF system configuration including backup power supply and utilities with the single tunnel design – Marx generator to be a baseline modulator, – AC power capacity optimization with gradient spreads, – Adaptability against cavity degradation after installation into cryomodule, by using circulator and power distribution system, – Optimizations for low-power and high-power option. – Tunable power distbribution system ML Integration (discussion led C. Adolphsen) – Beam dynamics Quadrupole/BPM periodicity, locations, alignment, and beam tunability, Bunch spacing limit specially on KCS (requirement of DR beam dynamics) – Availability, reliability, and backup of cryomodules to be required , GDE-PMsPlan for SCRF-BTR
Technical Discussions on S1-Global Test Results at TTC, Dec. 5-8 Working Group 1: Cryomodule Test Results and Analysis Date: Dec. 7, (the third, full day) Sessions; 1 (2 hrs), 2 (1.5 hrs), 3 (1.5 hrs), 4 (1.5 hrs) Focusing on cryomodule RF tests and problems observed – Tuner: LFD and control, and failure modes in operation – Input coupler: discharge and excessive heat-load – Cavity-string: alignment, magnetic shield and others) – Cavity: Degradation of field gradient after cavity-string assembly , GDE-PMsPlan for SCRF-BTR