Accessibility Comprehensiveness Usability New frontier PDFsDocumentationConsistency Budgets and outturns Granularity FMIS fragmentation ConsolidationComparability
Budget Deviation at Municipal Level Overall Spending, Executed - Approved Personnel Goods and Services Capital Financing Who Admin What Expenditure chain Where Function/program/ geographic How Economic MDAs, subnational units, projects, etc..
…..It would be easier to start Tracking Spending flows across levels
….Monitor capitation grants by subnational unit
….Assessing targeting of primary spending in education
Open Budgets Portal The Portal provides access to BOOST databases along with documentation of its uses – Over 30 million rows disseminated!
Peculiarities AccessibilityGeo-taggingTax expendituresComprehensive Tax expenditures are among the least scrutinized items despite being often large, non transparent and for the most part regressive!
Peculiarities AccessibilityGeo-taggingTax expendituresComprehensive
In 2011, Ministry of Finance publishes BOOST database – first country to release budget data to the public using BOOST National think tank Expert Grup uses the information to create a series of sector infographics Leveraging GPSA resource, group partners with MoE to coordinate grassroots monitoring of school performance Budget analysis informed by BOOSt was key to motivate interventions Expert Grup published infographics using BOOST Budget Analysis by Expert grup using BOOST (available at
World Bank advises Ministry of Economy and Finance in the development of Open Data Platform Capacity building provided to officials from different ministries on how to use BOOST database to undertake budget analysis Implementation of multi- stakeholder initiative to sustain uptake and impact of fiscal transparency efforts Charts (Left) and Interactive Tables (Right): Tunisia Open Data Platform Government officials and CSOs participate in capacity building event
Abdul Fofana and his university classmate at BOOST training camp, World Bank office in Togo “The training opened our eyes. It was the first time we got access to real budget data – what is actually being spent and where the priority public expenditures are.” Abdul Fofana Graduate student, University of Lomé, Togo Interactive Tables: Togo (available at BOOST platform linked to Ministry of Economy and Finance website – used primarily by government officials University students trained on how to read the budget and use BOOST for academic research
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