W. Hofle LIU-SPS Meeting SPS BA2 Damper LS1 Progress and plans reported by W. Hofle LIU-SPS Meeting G. Kotzian T. Levens D. Valuch Acknowledgements: BE-RF-PM, BE-RF-CS U. Wehrle, T. Bohl
W. Hofle LIU-SPS Meeting Reminder of reasons for upgrade sharing pick-ups with BI in future not possible due to MOPOS upgrade requirements for single bunch damping for protons used for LHC p- ion Physics (closer spaced proton bunches, 100 ns) ions injection damping with fixed frequency scheme, closer spaced batches individual bunch damping for crab cavity studies not possible with present system (sampling currently not synchronous with bunch) LHC doublet scrubbing beam incompatible with present system controls with G64 chassis and MIL-1553 are obsolete (MMI) new controls for power system and LLRF, new RF function generators Operation during slip stacking not investigated yet (this concerns ions for HiLumi)
W. Hofle LIU-SPS Meeting Dismantling at start of LS1
W. Hofle LIU-SPS Meeting Dismantling at start of LS1 Removed all equipment in damper LLRF racks Shutdown of G64 RF-MMI controls Removal of cable delay loops under false floor Obsolete cables identified, re-arrangement
W. Hofle LIU-SPS Meeting Dedicated pick-ups BPCR.214 BPCR BPCR (H/V) for LHC type beams (couplers) 2 BPH electrostatic PU (pFT) 2 BPV electrostatic PU (pFT) BDH / BDV kickers unchanged installed and cabled
W. Hofle LIU-SPS Meeting Dedicated electrostatic PUs BPH.202 BPV.205 BPV.207 BPH.204 installed and cabled
W. Hofle LIU-SPS Meeting Pick-up electronics moved Electro-static PUs with high impedance preamplifiers in tunnel Electronics moved from 208,209,210,211 To newly installed Pus at 202,204,205,207 all checked and repaired (R. Louwerse/G. Kotzian) Spare electronics remains In tunnel (hot Pit equipped with Damper electronics for fixed target beam, very reliable & robust (20+ years) (future renovation envisaged, outside LIU scope)
W. Hofle LIU-SPS Meeting New fiber links BA2 BA3 and clock distribution Ions for implementation In 2015) 200 MHz RF f rev 10 MHz ref + inj. Pulse (copy of SPS CPS) 200 MHz LO 40/80 MHz LO 120 MHz ADC/DAC expect over year 20 degrees
W. Hofle LIU-SPS Meeting pLHC electronics Digital Board analogue front-end (here for LHC beam) S variable delays for clocks ADC/DAC (120 MHz) mixing 200 MHz H1 (V1) H2 (V2) BPCR.214 (H/V) BPCR.221 (H/V)
W. Hofle LIU-SPS Meeting Digital Board 12 boards fabricated, eight needed, tested ok for start-up separate boards for H- and V-plane and beam type (pFT, pLHC, pSCRUB, Ions) tested up to beyond 120 MHz clock frequency, Xilinix ARTIX 7 FPGA features ADCs and DACs with four different clock domains for delay adjustment New development ! 8 ADCs 4 DACs output gain control via DAC a la LHCADT Board will be used for ADT (independent gain control on DACs)
W. Hofle LIU-SPS Meeting BA2 Installation New Fiber Links New VME crates LHC RF style pFT, pLHC pSCRUB, Ions clock generation signal distribution H-plane V-plane test system
W. Hofle LIU-SPS Meeting Test set-up in lab RF function generator pFT signal processing pLHC signal processing signal combination/selector timing Crate management clock distr. CPU
W. Hofle LIU-SPS Meeting Fixed Target Beam pre-amplifiers in tunnel variable gain control, ADC protection signal conditioning for direct sampling ( and ) sampling in MS/s Reminder: each beam type (we have four !) requires dedicated and different signal conditioning or down mixing before digitization pFT analogue board before ADCs
W. Hofle LIU-SPS Meeting LHC Beam 200 MHz filters during production in CZclock generation board (all beams) 200 MHz bandpass filters ( and ) programmable gain/attn down mixing (I,Q) to base-band ADC protection MS/s (on digital board)
W. Hofle LIU-SPS Meeting Scrubbing Beam (SPS) To be decided and filter to be designed: baseband (risk of e-cloud perturbing) with 60 MHz anti-aliasing filter 40 MHz BP: best signal, only small or no gain modulation during splitting 80 MHz BP: least e-cloud perturbing expected, but gain modulation
W. Hofle LIU-SPS Meeting Firmware and software firmware: memory map finished, functionality for beam implemented no functioning FESA class yet (this is the current bottle neck for testing) function generator OK, coast not ok yet (software !) power system up and running after upgrade to PLC system, no CCR software yet four power amplifiers modified, installed, 2 spare amplifier to be tested critical path is software to have functioning FESA classes and PPM control