Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) 2013 Competitive Grant Program Office of Commonwealth Libraries 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) 2013 Competitive Grant Program Office of Commonwealth Libraries 1

Presenters Constance Cardillo, LSTA Administrator Bureau of Library Development Lynn Moses, School Library Advisor Retired from PA Department of Education William T. Fee, Digital Collections Librarian State Library of Pennsylvania Diana Megdad, Advisor Bureau of Library Development 2

Pre-Application Planning Outcomes Based Evaluation (OBE) The Grant Applications eGrants Navigation Application Submission What We Will Cover

Buy It – Technology Hardware Collect It – K-12 Collection Development Create It – Creation Program Digitize It - Digitization Move It – Moving PA Forward Try It Grant Types 4

–Description of grant –Eligibility and grantee requirements –Application questions –Evaluation criteria –Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) compliance –Using eGrants Click on ‘Program & Services’ then ‘LSTA Grant Programs’ Begin planning with the guidelines 5

Review the library’s strategic plan. Form a project team. Include Administrative support. Think in terms of a one year project. Be aware of the funding limit. Conduct research Other Pre-Application Considerations 6

IMLS Requires OBE Begin with the end (your goals) in mind. Outcome-based evaluation is a method used to assess how well a program has achieved its intended results. The outcome is your target population’s changed or improved skills, attitudes, knowledge, behaviors, status, or life condition brought about as a result of experiencing your program’s services/activities. Measurable goals are the most telling Outcome Based Evaluation (OBE) 7

Identify the results you are hoping for (goals). Determine acceptable evidence of success (changes for users). Use quantitative measurements. Decide when measurement tools will be used. Gather baseline data What does measurable mean? 8

Where to list the goals 9

'Goal' is the outcome you want for users, A 'Data Source' is the tool, chart, or report you will use to collect data to evaluate the goal. 'Applied to' is the target audience. 'Who does it?' is the person who will collect the data. 'When' is when information is collected and analyzed. Evaluation Section

 Any type of school library – public, private, parochial Must have a certified school librarian Each school within a district must apply separately ● Fundable materials - Science or Social Studies $5,000 ceiling per school library Funds may NOT be spent for: Equipment or software unless needed to utilize the resources purchased (Must demonstrate grant funded materials are for special needs students). Classroom sets of books or textbooks K-12 Collection Development 11

CIPA/Acceptable Internet Use Compliance (public only) Letter signed by Superintendent, Principal and Librarian which verifies that: –Grant money will not supplant local funds, –School librarian was involved in the preparation of the grant, –If awarded, school will work with PDE liaison prior to ordering & –Will file required reports on time. Verification/evidence that 5% of the collection was weeded in the school year (Can include additional detail about collection development plan for this grant.) Required K-12 application attachments 12

Keep the abstract limited to 2 or 3 sentences. Spend more time on the narratives. The evaluation plan should include outputs. 13 Advice on application questions

The collection development plan should include… Area (science or social studies) and, if applicable, whether or not it will be for specialized resources for English Language Learners or the physically disabled, Purpose or need for the $5,000 to address the area/specialized resources chosen, The average age of the total print collection and area chosen, The size of the total collection as well as the size of the collection representing the chosen area for this project, An analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the area/specialized resources chosen for this project, 14

What types of materials will be purchased to meet curricular and student needs as identified in the purpose, How the new materials will be selected showing librarian, teacher, and possibly student and/or public librarian collaboration, How collection development will be sustained after the grant year, Evidence that 5% of the total collection was weeded in and How the new materials will be marketed. 15 Also include…

List of materials approved by Commonwealth Libraries liaison before purchase. Lists are due before the end of the school year. Collection development policy that: 1. Is officially approved by the Board or other similar agent 2. Includes a weeding policy 3. Includes procedures for handling a challenge A collaboratively developed Resource Guide that relates to the subject or resources purchased, identifies both print and electronic sources and aligns to the PA Academic Standards. Due July 31, Requirements for K-12 grantees 16

K-12 library collection development grant application questions for Lynn Moses. 17 K-12 Questions

● State aided public libraries are eligible. ● Materials that support PA Forward Literacies (listed on the next slide) ● Up to $5,000 (90% collections) ● Needs a program component. ● Must demonstrate that the request is appropriate to the library’s collection development policy (will be able to upload) ● Must describe routine weeding process Moving PA Forward 18

PA Forward Literacies ( Basic Literacy - For a trained workforce and growing population… Information Literacy – Using online resources and current technology… Civic and Social Literacy – Citizens are effective to their communities… Health Literacy – The ability to manage well-being... Financial Literacy – Informed consumers…contribute to the economic vitality of their communities… 19

● For single public libraries that need to upgrade equipment. ● Includes computers, printers, scanners, wireless networking equipment, ADA compliant eReaders, assistive hardware. ● Does not include software or self-check stations. ● 70% Match required (the eGrant application will include drop down menu choices for adding your matching amounts.) For example, if the application is for $5,000 in grant funds, the total cost of the project must be at least $16,750. ● Funds up to $5,000. Technology Hardware 20

● Available to academic, public and special collections libraries. ● Funds up to $5,000. ● Awarded projects will be local initiatives. ● No match is required. ● Must support at least one LSTA priority and the PA LSTA Five-Year Plan (Priorities are on the next slide) Try It 21

Expanding services for learning and access to information and educational resources in a variety of formats, in all types of libraries, for individuals of all ages … Establish/enhance electronic and other linkages … Providing training and professional development … Developing public and private partnerships … US Code, Title 20, Chapter 72, Subchapter II, Part 2 The LSTA Priorities 22

Services to individuals of diverse backgrounds and disabilities… Services to persons having difficulty using a library and to underserved communities… Access to information through collaborations and networks; and Carrying out other activities as described in Pennsylvania’s LSTA Five-Year Plan. US Code, Title 20, Chapter 72, Subchapter II, Part 2 23 The LSTA Priorities

Available to academic, public and special collections libraries. The intent of this grant is to improve “access”, although preservation may be a byproduct. Not intended to fund ongoing projects or entire collections. $50,000 maximum with a dollar for dollar match for grants over $30,000 awarded. Books, photos, journals and maps in Pennsylvania collections will be funded. No newspapers this year. Digitization

 User Interest  Content Value  Copyright  Technical Viability  Cataloging  Digital image files  Indexing & posting the collection online  Quality control  Long term maintenance Proposals will need to address:

● No cost to libraries for hosting or for training Hosted by HSLC Training by Lyrasis Required for application and guidelineshttp:// Digital Repository 26

● State aided public libraries are eligible. ● Maximum awards will be $30,000. ● No match is required. ● Awarded projects will be in house programs for users. Websites to explore for ideas: Create It 27

Requirements for all grants Public libraries and public K-12 school libraries need to provide a CIPA compliance form. The library must participate in the Access PA Database project. A letter must be signed by the administrative office specified in the application guidelines. Cannot apply for funding for projects that are already underway. Budgets cannot include promotional gadgets/items or food. LSTA funds may not be used for operating costs. 28

LSTA funds may not supplant previously available local funds. Support letters from other agencies participating in the grant project are required. No more than $100 in interest can be earned on grant funds. Must retain project files for at least five years after the grant year. Will be required to submit quarterly reports and a final report on time. 29 Requirements for all grants

30 Navigating eGrants –

31 Navigating eGrants –

User Administrator – can add or modify users for a particular entity. ProjectCreate – can request access to new applications ProjectEntry – can enter data and mark section complete ProjectSubmit – can submit the application to Commonwealth Libraries ProjectView – has read-only access to the grant project eGrants security roles 32

Beginning the application 33

Beginning the application 34

Completing the application 35

All public libraries and public K-12 schools that request LSTA funds must certify compliance. See application guidelines for CIPA guidelines and certification form. If funds are not sought for Internet access, and the library is not in compliance, the guidelines will direct you to the appropriate check box. Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) 36

October 2012 through January 2013 – Multilevel reviews February 2013 – All applicants are notified March through June 2013 – Agreements written and signed July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014 – Project implementation July 31, 2014 – Final reports due Grant year timeline 37

The following originally signed documents need to submitted by USPS to: Grants and Contracting Manager Office of Commonwealth Libraries Pennsylvania Department of Education Forum Building 607 South Drive Harrisburg, PA ● The Required Transmittal Letters CIPA Certification Support Letters from participating libraries Deadline is post marked by 5:00 PM, Friday, October 5, The following originally signed documents need to submitted by USPS to: Grants and Contracting Manager Office of Commonwealth Libraries Pennsylvania Department of Education Forum Building 607 South Drive Harrisburg, PA ● The Required Transmittal Letters CIPA Certification Support Letters from participating libraries Deadline is post marked by 5:00 PM, Friday, October 5, Original Documents 38

Constance Cardillo, LSTA Administrator at or E-Grants Help Desk – or (toll free). Choose option 2. at Questions and technical assistance 39