Tropism Foldable Fold the construction paper in half hamburger style then unfold it and fold it in half again this time hot dog style. 1 Unfold the paper and take one edge and fold it to the center line folding again hamburger style. Do this to both sides. 2
3 With scisssors cut the two side flaps so that now you have four flaps. 4 Now fold your foldable in half so that you are now looking at the back.
Tropisms Tropisms occur when plants respond to an external stimulus. Tropisms can be negative or positive. Movement away from the stimulus is a negative response. Movement toward the stimulus is a positive response.
Geotropism Hydrotropism Phototropism Thigmotropism
Geotropism Gravity causes a response in the plants growth. Such as with roots of a tree.
Hydrotropism The way a plant grows or bends in response to H2O
Thigmotropism Plants bend or grow because of touch. An example would be when vines wrap around an arbor frame.
Phototropism The way a plant grows or bends in response to light.