Reasons for sharing or not sharing online Know how to stay safe when using the Internet
2. Information you should not share publicly online Shouldn’t share personal information (e.g. mobile number) offensive jokes photos of people without their permission copied work done by somebody else love messages where you will be on a certain date Might share stories you’ve written links to websites you like photos of people with their permission where you’ve been on holiday who your favourite celebrities are Know how to stay safe when using the Internet
3. Definitions of e-safety words Trolling – Writing messages to make somebody angry. Age restriction – How old you have to be to join certain websites. Safe online conduct – Sharing appropriate, legal messages. CEOP – The online police for children. Know how to stay safe when using the Internet
Know how to stay safe when using the Internet Watch the Newsround film and learn from the mistakes of Lost Princess and her friends… Guy Fawkes sends a private message to organise the Gunpowder Plot… or so he thinks!
Make a “ Stay Safe “ Phone Stand
Cut and fold to make a phone stand. If you wish, glue the two layers together to make it stronger. CUT Fold out Fold in
First Better Good Decide what are the good things about sharing a message. Write positive (Don’t) rules to follow when sharing a message. Add a reason why each rule should be followed when sharing a message. so… because… Colour neatly. Write small! Add drawings. Design mini posters about messaging safely. Make a list of Do’s! Remember not to plagiarise the photo!
First Better Good Think about the things not to do when sharing a message. Write rules to follow when sharing a message. Add a reason why each rule should be followed when sharing a message. so… because… Colour neatly. Write small! Add drawings. Design a mini poster about messaging safely. Now make a list of Don’ts! Remember not to plagiarise the photo!