Shared responsibilities... Let’s bring Nehemiah forward 2460 years The care gate The administration sections The building experts The teachers The gate openers The children’s gate The worship builders The overseers of the work
Annie and the whole team went to work on: The care gate –Pastoral coordinator –Homegroup leaders –Transport to church –Hospitality providers –Hospital visitors –Home Communions –Care for the lonely, housebound, poorly –Mutual care –Welcome in church –Special interest groups ‘Love one another as I have loved you’ (Jn 15:12)
Kate and the whole team went to work on: The young people’s gate –Coordinator –Crèche team –Sunday Club teams –Messy Church teams –All Age Worship leaders –Toddler group team –Praise and Play team –School club team –Our own children / grandchildren / young people ‘Let the children come to me’ (Mk 10:14)
Geoff and the team went to work on: Teaching how to build a Kingdom –Discipleship –Bible preaching and teaching –Home group resources –Putting together worship which is helpful –Starting right outside your own house! –Relevant skills for God’s work ‘Guard what has been entrusted to you’ (1 Tim 6:20)
Richard and the whole team ensured that worship was organised.. Music players Singers Planners With young people For everyone, every week All had to come together to hear the word, praise and pray ‘Worship in Spirit and in truth’ (John 4:24)
Karen, and the whole team went to work on: All the administration Organising the rotas Facilitating the treasurer Paying their way A vital central meeting place Ordering supplies Taking care of the parts already built ‘We will serve the Lord, because he is our God’ (Josh 24:18)
Roger, Jenny, and the whole team went to work on: Ensuring all the gates being opened as much as possible People being encouraged to go out and share what God is doing Making known the needs of people outside the walls and arranging help where possible –mission at home and overseas Making the worship area attractive and informative Pubilicising what happens ‘Go... make disciples... baptise... teach... I am with you’ (Mt 28:19-20)
The Overseers’ jobs: Keeping the vision Discerning God’s will Producing workable plans Providing the resources – finance and people Making decisions about priorities Researching good practice Enthusing the workers The priestly roles, presenting God to the people
Pastoral care... worship... teaching... outreach... administration... oversight Sound familiar? Sat – waited – mourned for the world – fasted – prayed Discerned God’s direction Asked the king Trained and equipped
Encourage one another in use of our gifts –God may want to develop new gifts in us –or enliven old ones –need to hear him calling individually, in couples, families, friendship groups, church-wide, across churches... time dedicated to prayer –church needs to grow leaders at all levels –In Nehemiah’s time some had bigger projects than others but even the smallest were vital –everyone has a part