Nicole Rodriguez Ben Ferguson 1-ESSC-2: Make observations at different times of the year to relate the amount of daylight to the time of the year. THE SUNLIGHT THAT NEVER STOPS
INTRODUCTION Lesson Overview: After completing the lesson, students will be able to: -Describe and compare the weather related to the four seasons in terms of relative amounts of sunlight. -Identify that the Earth receives less sunlight in the winter. -Identify that the Earth receives more sunlight in the fall. -Explain that the Sun’s relative amount of sunlight produces colder temperatures in the winter and warmer temperatures in the spring/fall. List of Materials: For groups of 4 students: Table of the sunrise and sunsets for the Spring Equinox and Winter Solstice Observation List Paper and Pencil
ENGAGE Present students with the question, “When you wake up is it ALWAYS light outside? And, “When you go to sleep is it ALWAYS dark outside?” Have students write down their predictions and discuss them with a partner or the person next to them.
EXPLORE Working in groups of 4, students will be recording their observations about determining the relative amount of daylight. Using a specific list of times of the day, each student will write down either light or dark. Each student in the group is in charge of completing their list for either the Fall Equinox or Winter solstice. Two groups will do one, while the other will do the opposite.
EXPLAIN Once each group has finished their list, one group from The Spring Equinox and one groups from The Winter Solstice will share their observations with the class. After the groups have presented, I will be collecting these to make sure students have fully grasped the relative amount of daylight at different times of the year. They will respond to questions about daylight in the fall/spring/winter. Also, students will reflect on the observations they’ve made about the amount of sunlight and its relation to it’s season on a sheet of paper.
ELABORATE Students will work with a partner and go on the Science Games for kids website and learn more about the Earth, Moon, and Sun. They are to take turns answering each question and complete the game until all questions were answered correctly. They may get help by clicking the “Help” button on the screen.
EVALUATE To evaluate the student’s work throughout the lesson I will make sure all the students are engaged in discussions and participating in the group project. The observation list will be turned in to evaluate the students knowledge of relative amounts of sunlight during the Fall Equinox and the Winter Solstice. Also, the predictions the students made in the beginning of the lesson will be re-looked at for the students to reflect on and clarify any misconceptions that were made.
OTHER INFORMATION References: Science Kids (Fun science & technology for kids)