College/Career Research Presentation (created by Mrs. Atkins) Institute for Career Research Career Test Instructions
Career Test Today, you will be going to the Institute for Career Research web site to take a career test. The Career Test will help you to narrow down your areas of interest and give you lists of careers to choose from based on those interests. After completing the Career Test, you will need to complete the College/Career Research Activity in your research packet. The College/Career Research Activity will help you to start thinking about colleges or technical training, which we will start researching later in the week. Happy searching!!!
Start at the MHS Main Page → Under Library Click on Media ←
Click on College/Career Info ←
Scroll down the page → Click on Institute for Career Research ↓ ↓
Click on Members Click Here ↓
Click on Career Test ↓
Take the Career Test The career test will ask you a series of questions to determine your areas of interest. Based on your responses, you will receive a list of your interests in career clusters. You can review the clusters to decide what type of career might be right for you. Do your best to answer the questions accurately.
Your Test Results (sample) - gives you a list of clusters with % of interest
To view a full list of careers or the careers listed by clusters → Click on Go to the Career List ↓
CAREER LIST (try any or all of the following) 1) Click on List of All Reports for the full career list 2) Type a career in the search box and click GO 3) Select a career from the drop down list in a cluster and click GO
Use your results to fill in the College/Career Research Activity in your research packet
End of Day One Instruction * If you have completed the research activity, you can preview the web sites listed in the research packet.