Tuesday, Dec Turn in your Political Cartoon homework if you did not yesterday 2. Update your table of contents if you did not yesterday DateTitle Entry # 12/7Articles of Confederation political cartoon 73 12/9 Ideas Behind the Constitution 74 12/12Guided Reading chapter Turn to entry 74 so we can finish the notes from Friday
2 nd Learning Recovery Student 2nd Strengths and Weakness Revolution notes Who’s WhoQuotes worksheet Timeline ch. 8Issues after the war notes Tyler A. X Lidia A. X Chuck B. xX Sarah B. xxx Crystal B X Allison E. x Lane K. x Kayla M. xx Danielle M. X Cody N. X Destiny R. xX Kameron S. xxX Tye S. xX Jeremy S. xxx Will T. x Destiny W. xxxX Noah Y. xxxxx LR for Wednesday 12/14
2 nd Learning Recovery Student 3rd Strengths and Weakness Revolution notes Who’s WhoQuotes worksheet Timeline ch. 8 Issues after the war notes Brayden B. Xx Genesisxxx KimX Yuliexx JonathanxX AlejandraX Ambienx Rebecca T. xXXxxx Alexxxxxx LR for Wednesday 12/14
LR for Wednesday 1/4 Student 5th Strengths and Weakness Revolution notes Who’s Who Quotes worksheet Timeline ch. 8 Issues after the war notes XaiverXX KazandraXX AaronX BriceXxxxxx Noah L.X Haileyxx LupeX Jasmine S.X AndreaX
What to get done today? 1. Use chapter 8 Section 2 in the blue textbooks to complete packet pages 47, 48, and 49 2.Use your knowledge of history and the worksheet to answer pages 50, 52, and 53 3.Complete anything you need to get off learning recovery
Dec. 9: Ideas Behind the Constitution I.Roman Concepts- Republic: Citizens rule themselves -Civic Virtue: you served in public office not for the money but for the good of the country
Dec. 9: Ideas Behind the Constitution I.Roman Concepts II.English Tradition -Magna Carta: King had to obey laws, right to private property and jury trial -English Bill of Rights: Jury trial, Habeas Corpus (have to be charged w/ a crime if going to jail)
Dec. 9: Ideas Behind the Constitution I.Roman Concepts II.English Tradition III.Enlightenment Thinkers -John Locke (English): People have natural rights; governments are to protect the people -Montesquieu (French): Separation of powers (leg., ex., jud. Branch)
Dec. 9: Ideas Behind the Constitution I.Roman Concepts II.English Tradition III.Enlightenment Thinkers IV.American Experience -Mayflower Compact: Self-government -Declaration of Independence: Grievances against the King -Articles of Confederation: Northwest Ordinance Goals? questions Summary: Re-Test Packet, Political Cartoon due Monday