Licensure for PSP CAS
Overview You are getting School Guidance or School Adjustment Counselor Licenses at the Initial Stage through a traditional state approved higher education program. (Why do you need to know this?) The next stage is professional level in Massachusetts—You need at least 3 years working under the initial level to apply for the professional level license. What’s on your to-do list? Get official hard copy transcripts to licensure office. Take the Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL)—communication and literacy tests (Tests of Reading and Writing skills) – computer based. Set up a meeting with licensure office to create a Massachusetts educator online profile, apply and pay for license(s). Of course---complete the CAS
FAQ Validity of License: Initial license- Valid for 5 years of employment in Massachusetts. Professional level license is renewed every 5 years. To get the Professional level license you need, 3 years work under initial license plus: - 60 graduate level credits appropriate to the license (may include credits earned in a master's degree program for the Initial license in a discipline appropriate to the license sought.) Why is this good news for you?
Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL) Reading 240 / Writing 240 Passing Score: Reading 240 / Writing 240 Test Dates (See MTEL Bulletin Cost Testing Locations for computer based testing Thumbprint Taken at Test Site Who Has Access to Your Scores- – You/DESE/HGSE/Other Institutions Upon Your Request MTEL Prep Resources – – Online – DESE – Gutman Library
Obtaining the Guidance Counselor License at an Additional Level (PreK-8 and 5-12) Complete ONE of the following to gain knowledge of the unique developmental characteristics of the age group of the license you are seeking to add: Child Development Course or Adolescent Development Course -For Additional 5-12 Guidance Counselor License: H-236 Adolescent Development - has been approved by DESE -For Additional PreK-8 Guidance Counselor License: H-250 Developmental Psychology - has been approved by DESE See licensure office if you believe you took a developmental course during your undergraduate program.
Interstate Agreement - Reciprocity What Does It Really Mean? -You are NOT Automatically licensed as a Guidance Counselor or a School Adjustment Counselor in another state. Required Research: Investigate licensure options in the state you wish to work – for example, will the state you plan to live in recognize the SAC or will you need to seek a license in Guidance in that state- States may use different terms for the same thing---license, credential, certificate. Why do you need to know about the pathway you got your license?
California Example – For Guidance Counselors: Apply for Clear School Counseling Credential – Bachelor’s degree – Complete PSP/CAS (with 48 credits in School Guidance Counseling) – Fieldwork Requirement: Complete 600-hour practicum (2 of 3 school grade levels) – Note: 150 of the 600 hours devoted to diversity – Letter verifying practicum and the above. Contact Licensure Office for this letter. – MA School Guidance Counselor license or letter – Pass CBEST or obtain One Year Non-Renewable w/ employment (gives you 1 yr. to take CBEST)
California – For School Adjustment /School Social Worker Counselors: – CA offers the School Social Work credential---does not offer a School Adjustment Counselor credential – Apply for the School Social Work credential and provide copy of your Mass. License and a letter verifying field experience must be on original, official letterhead from the your department. It must accompany the application packet. – Get letter from licensure office verifying fieldwork.
CBEST: CA Basic Educational Skills Test CBEST required. Please note important information on CA state office schedules: When you apply-All required documents, including application, fingerprint cards, MA license, must be mailed to CA together (keep copies and send certified mail)
New York –For Guidance Counselors: Apply for NYS Provisional School Counselor Certificate 1.Bachelor’s degree 2.Complete PSP/ CAS (in School Guidance Counselor) 3.MA Guidance Counselor license 4.NYS Fingerprinting 5.No subject test required 6. Three NYS Workshops ( can take online) Workshop - Child Abuse Identification Workshop - School Violence Intervention and Prevention Workshop - Dignity For All Students Act
New York For School Social Worker/School Adjustment Counselors: Consider Applying for Provisional School Counselor Certificate NYS does not offer a School Adjustment Counselor certificate. Your transcript will be scrutinized so understand what NYS wants for certificate to provide evidence you covered what NYS wants. Be prepared to provide course descriptions. If you decide to pursue Provisional School Social Worker certificate, prepare in advance by reviewing state requirements and submit course descriptions, potentially syllabi. Licensure office will prepare a letter attesting to your completion of a Massachusetts approved program. Note that NYS considers School Social Workers to be Social Workers.