Sang Ku, Shin Bilingual education in a kindergarten
Background Bilingual education A serious financial crisis in Sky Peace Dr Maxim
Market research Source : USA : Going bilingual? (1999, Oct 04), Junior Scholastic, vol.102, no. 3, pp. 4-4, accessed by14 January 2012 from ProQuest,. Increase the number of Spanish speakers in the U.S. Around 30milion Hispanic immigrants
Cognitive language development The ability to think flexibly and abstractly about language The abilities of language originality and creativity in two languages
Learning environment and method Providing supportive and comfortable learning environments Play-based learning
Recommendation 1 Make an English – Spanish class to target Hispanic immigrants and give a 10% discount on its tuition fees Implement Play-based learning instead of only workbook or lectures
Recommendation 2 Hire an advertising agency and use statistics to show that bilingual education can greatly enhance language skills in the media Make the homepage on the internet and show several video clips which can show a whole lesson
Reference Gonzalez, I. S. (2009), ‘ The perceptions of certified bilingual education kindergarten teachers toward play-based learning and the impact on their teaching practices’, Dissertations and Theses, Texas A&M University – Kingsville, accessed 11 January 2012 from ProQuest,. Lee, P. (1996), ‘Cognitive development in bilingual children: A case for bilingual instruction in early childhood education’, Bilingual Research Journal, No. 20(3), pp , accessed by 12 January 2012 from ProQuest,. USA : Going bilingual? (1999, Oct 04), Junior Scholastic, vol.102, no. 3, pp. 4-4, accessed by14 January 2012 from ProQuest,.