Wil Haywood Rossana Bua Rhishi Katoch Kelvyn Araujo-Valdez Steve Kim
Enormously popular Estimated 2/3 of all U.S. Adults* 71% stay in touch with current friends 50% connect to old friends who’ve lost touch Estimated 98% of all year old who are online and access social media each month** 75% of online senior adults engage 82% of adults ages 55 to 64 *Pew Research April-May 2011 **Experian Simmons Report, 2011 Social Networking Sites
Facebook and Security Issues Facebook Most popular of all social media sites 800 million users as of December 2011 More than 50% of all users log in daily Average user has 130 friends Cybercrime Internet Fraud Phishing
Forensic Tools Is there a way for us to remove the anonymity of users in social media sites such as Facebook?
Facial Recognition in Use Carnegie Mellon University conducted experiments to see if an individual could be identified based on the availability of select information, both online and offline. They searched public profile images from online social networks and compared them to dating sites to determine how accurate the software was in identification They collected images of consenting students walking on a campus, and compared those to Facebook. Students provided some information and were asked to identify themselves in offline images. Researchers gathered personal information previously unknown from a face by training an algorithm to identify Facebook profile owners.
Face.com We use face.com application to identify small sample of users on Facebook.
Detect an image How to get started… We created an account We created a new application Select method face.detect Upload a picture or url Call method Answer Image detects five points on face with different attributes Glasses, Smiling, Face, Gender, Mood, Lips
Save tagged information To name a specific person (based on known information): Change method to save.tag Enter the stored tag id Look for the user of a known account.
Train the API to recognize a face Providing a username for a face trains the API to recognize that known user on Facebook
Multi-identification Can the API identify a distinct face among many?
More than one ID stored in API Multiple Facebook user IDs are entered into the API.
Facial Recognition Concerns Potential for misuse – Privacy issue raised: Sen. Jay Rockefeller: “While there may be great potential for commercial, personal, and law enforcement users of this emerging technology, its development also raises numerous questions about individual privacy”
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