Who are we? APTLD (Asia Pacific Top Level Domain Association) is the organization for ccTLD operators in the Asia Pacific region. Commenced in 1998, legally incorporated in 2003.
APTLD region
Membership Ordinary Members 39 Associate Members 22 Total 61
Ordinary Members.ae.af.au.cc.cn.cx.fj.hk.hm.in.ir.jo.jp.kr.lk.mn.mo.my.nf.np.nr.nu.nz.pg.ph.ps.sa.sb.sg.th.tj.tk.tv.tw.vn.wf.ws.iq
Associate Members Vanuatu ictQatar GDNS PIR Autonomica
Meetings Members meetings 3 times per year 2011 –February, Hong Kong + AGM (with APRICOT) –August, Busan, Korea –December, Brisbane, Australia –Plus special April “mini-meeting”, New Caledonia with Pacific IGF
APTLD workshop in New Caledonia Combined with Pacific IGF Well attended: more than 40 people in the workshop, representing 13 ccTLDs - most from Pacific and other 5 organizations.
Topics being discussed Different ccTLDs running in different models DNSSEC and security IPV6 enablement for ccTLDs New gTLDs impact on ccTLDs Delegation and Redelegation How to promote your ccTLD: as national identity; show commercial value; Cost of Internet access in Pacific
Feedback from Pacific ccTLDs Local ccTLDs gave run down on: Registry running model: in housed or out- sourced; What kind of relationship registry has with government, with local Internet community How the policy is set up Is your registry IPV6 enabled, DNSSEC enabled?
ICANN NOI and FNOI NOI: register-notices/2011/request-comments- internet-assigned-numbers-authority-iana- functions Welcome commitment to multi-stakeholder model Keep IANA functions performed by one entity Root zone management automation Distinction between technical function and policy development process
ICANN NOI and FNOI FNOI: register-notice/2011/internet-assigned- numbers-authority-iana-functions-further- notice-inqui Clarify that IANA staff are welcome to provide information and advice upon request from stakeholders at policy development process Pointed out complexity of the issue of “local law”
ICANN NOI and FNOI Power of Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative (COTR) questioned Advise to align SOW with work of the DRDWG and FOIWG Reiterate sovereignty in the management of ccTLDs and the voluntary nature of ccTLD contributions to IANA
Other activities Sponsored APrIGF in Singapore Sponsored “women in ICT” session in ICANN Singapore meeting Sponsored Community.asia booth in ICANN Singapore meeting Working closely with CENTR on web site revamp
IDN ccTLDs Over 90% IDN ccTLDs delegated were from AP region Participating strongly in IDN policy development, e.g. IDN ccPDP, JIG IDN WG, VIP
Meetings next year Are you interested in hosting our next year’s meeting?
For More Information… Join us: General Manager Jian Zhang: