Interactive Lesson Storyboard Tawni Gillen-Martin GCU Tec-542 Module 5 October 6, 2014
State/National: New Mexico State Standards for Learning 31. Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons. a. Introduce the topic or text they are writing about, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure that lists reasons. b. Provide reasons that support the opinion. c. Use linking words and phrases (e.g., because, therefore, since, for example) to connect opinion and reasons. New Mexico State Standards
Students will learn the nine elements of digital citizenship. They can go back through the elements on the computer and look at videos. They will also make a poster or brochure showing that they know what digital citizenship is. They will need to take a quiz after they have completed each element to see if they know and understand digital citizenship. They will each receive a certificate after they pass the quiz and lessons with an 80% or higher. Digital Citizenship
Text and color is different from the background and it makes it easier to read. The font is big enough for all students to see and read, and is not distracting and one color. Colors are not too bright, but bright enough to get the students attention. The background is a neutral color which is for calming and is different than the rest of the colors.
Day 1: Show video on digital citizenship so that the students know what digital citizenship is all about. Day 2: Students will be asked to click on the images below to review all that they can about digital citizenship. Day 3: After reviewing and making that sure that students understand digital citizenship and what it means, we will start our unit on digital citizenship. Day 4: Students will make a poster or brochure on digital citizenship. Examples of posters and brochures. Day 5: Several games will be played for part of the digital citizenship unit. Digital Citizenship
Videos provided for audio and visual learners and posters provided for visual learners as well as compliance to 508. Videos: Have great backgrounds and are not too distracting. The colors will peak the students attention right away. Digital Citizenship These Posters are colorful but not too distracting. Font size is just right and easy to read.
Digital Citizenship Students can use forums that will allow Linguistic and Intrapersonal learners to flourish.
Digital Citizenship Students are able to go back to the websites and work at their own pace if needed. This will help Intrapersonal Students.
While introducing this project, I tried to think about all the best practices of design. The videos, posters along with music in the videos, helps to peak the students interest and makes them want to learn more about digital citizenship. The color design is a combination of complementary colors and engage the students right away. Summary
Childnet International Retrieved October 7, 2014 from Common Sense Media Inc Retrieved on October 6, 2014 from I Keep Safe Retrieved on October 6, 2014 from New Mexico State Standards. Retrieved on October 6, 2014 from Resources: