Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations TCP/RER/3402 (D) Wrap up Session Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina Hotel Palas 19 July 2013
Output 2: Purpose/Objectives OutputActivities Output 2 At least 20 representatives from 5 participating countries trained on various aspects of biosecurity and aquatic animal health management (e.g. diagnostics, surveillance, risk assessment) Good understanding of the status and challenges of disease diagnostics capacity for fish and molluscs in the 5 participating countries; Increased knowledge on the basic concepts and principles of diagnostics in general and specifically for fish and mollusc; A workshop report Manual (design, sampling, etc.)
Output 4: Purpose/Objectives OutputActivities Output 4: Regional disease surveillance network established and disease survey completed for 3 key pathogens/diseases Establish a regional disease surveillance programme record keeping for aquaculture farms and harmonized methodology (agreed elements of surveillance) for regionally important diseases of finfish: VHS/IPN, KHV, SVC database management and data analysis and presentation (AAH Information system) pilot testing Manual (design, sampling, questionnaires, etc.)
Participation Day 1: Total 28 (F: 14 ; M: 14) Day 2: Total 27 (F: 13; M: 14) Day 3: Total 27 (F: 13; M: 14) Day 4: Total 27 (F: 13; M: 14 )
Regional Workshop Process 6 Sessions; total of 24 presentations Setting the scene and understanding the national situation and current capacity on Diagnostics of Diseases of Fish and Molluscs of the 5 participating countries Basic concepts and principles of diagnostics Basic concepts and principles of diagnostics for diseases of fish and molluscs Design of NRL for listed diseases and drafting of scope and contents of a regional diagnostic manual Relation between diagnostic and surveillance planning Conclusions and the way forward 2 Working Groups 5 Tasks (1 field trip; 3 through WG, plenary work)
Working Group Tasks (23 Oct) to achieve Output 4: diagnostic and surveillance 1.FIELD TRIP (Task 1): Field trip with demonstration of clinical inspection, sampling and packing of samples by consultans Practical exercise by veterinary inspectors and laboratory staff 2.WORKING GROUP 1 (Task 2): G uidelines on possibilities, needs and capacity for NRL in particular Western Balkan country 3.WORKING GROUP 2 (Task 3): Comments on scope and contents of regional diagnostic manual
Field trip
Field trip (necessary equipment and demonstration by experts)
Field trip practical work by veterinary inspectors and laboratory staff
Highlights of field trip - discussion: Task 1: Field trip with demonstration of clinical inspection, sampling and packing of samples (trout farm – Janj) ParticipantsActivities/results 1. ExpertsPresented necessary equipment for sampling, clinical examination, choosing fishes, sampling of tissue, packing of samples, way of transport 2. Veterinary inspectors/ laboratory staff The participating veterinary inspectors were not educated to take samples All of veterinary inspectors are trained to take samples durring workshop All of veterinary inspectors are ready to train other inspectors to take samples
Working Group 1
Working Group 2
Highlights of WG discussions: Tasks 2/1: G uidelines on possibilities, needs and capacity for NRL in particular Western Balkan country WG 1WG 2 Possibilities and needs of the certain country National strategy is necessary for development of diagnostic capacity Aquaculture and number of aquaculture farms is the main indicator of the national diagnostic needs Is it necessary to improve sampling Is it necessary to improve lab diagnostic Education of veterinarians and inspectors in the field on sampling, practical workshops on sampling, recording and keeping records is required It is necessary to improve diagnostic capacity through education of lab experts and acquire equipment Education of all involved in AAH and issuing of sampling manual is neccesary It is up to national decision; if counrty decides to establish level 3 diagnostic lab, they must invest in equipment
Highlights of WG discussions: Tasks 2/2: G uidelines on possibilities, needs and capacity for NRL in particular Western Balkan country WG 1WG 2 Which action will lead to fulfillment of requirements listed above Basically it depends on govermental strategy and decision and it is very important to register all aquaculture facilities, create surveillance programme and improve lab capacity Persuade decision makers, create detailed farm register and create legal background with firm tools for inspectors to act in accordance with it, develop education and lab capacity Cooperation of inspectors and NRL Generally it is very goodIt is good Is there need for education of any of them Nation strategy about lab level will generate the need for education of laboratory personnel but anyway inspectors should be continuously educated Education of everyone in the chain in AAH is necessary
Highlights of WG discussions: Tasks 2/3: G uidelines on possibilities, needs and capacity for NRL in particular Western Balkan country WG 1WG 2 Need for awareness and education of farmers The most important is to raise the awareness of farmers about necessity of aquiring health status according to EU directive with the aim of free trade with AAA Farmers must be convinced that health status is benefit for them through free trade Increasing of awareness of CVO about importance of fish disease diagnostic Harmonisation of national legislation is the first step in improvement of surveillance and diagnostics Convince CVO about importance of AAH control of health status definition Which lab level is really possible to achieve and how organise the sevice for it Depends of national strategy and national aquacuture production
Highlights of WG discussions: Tasks 3: Comments on scope and contents of regional diagnostic manual WG 1WG 2 Draf of regional diagnostic manual Most of the participants proposed to cover instructions for both veterinarians in the field and laboratory staff in one document Some of them proposed to have two separate documents To include check list for anamnestic data To be focused on four diseases (VHS, IHN, SVC and KHV) To defind nuber of samples All of the participants proposed to cover instructions for both veterinarians in the field and laboratory staff in one document To be covered in addition other disease of local importance as (IPN/BKD) All necessary steps during the sampling should be followed by photos To have standardised diagnostic methods for whole Region
Working Group Tasks (24 Oct) to achieve Output 4: diagnostic and surveillance 4. WORKING GROUP 1 and 2 (Task 4): Comments and sugestions on draft surveillance plan - output of 1st regional workshop 5. PLENARY: Time-frame to implement Output 2 and 4 and other issues
Working Group 1
Working Group 2
Highlights of WG discussions: Tasks 4 Comments and sugestions on draft surveillance plan - output of 1st regional workshop WG 1WG 2 Exisiting diagnostic capacities corespond to current/planned surveillance activities No in most of the countries Test required according to lab resourses (Macedonia, Montenegro) Lab has more resources than required by AAH legislation (Serbia) Solicit international dg services (BiH) Suggestions on short-term and long-term solutions for overcoming lack of NLR diagnostic recourses/capacities for fish diseases (VHS/IPN, SVC, KHV disease) Common agreement on sharing diagnostic resourses, capacities and expertize Include IHN in selected diseases list (surveillance program for VHS, IHN, SVC, KHV + IPN opt.) Same sample use for dg of VHS, IHN, IPN Political decision on development of lab capacities no cost efficiency considerations Suggestions on regional sharing of diagnostic recourses/expertise All countries agree on addoption of international standards Same tests Test acreditation Proficiency testing
Conclusions of WG discussions 23/24 Oct All of the participants are well trained in sampling procedures and ready to train the other inspectors or person in charge (training to be organized by CA before spring sampling 2014) Reached a consensus for drafting the regional diagnostic manual on four viral diseases (VHS, IHN, SVC and KHV) Different approach taken by different groups, each has very useful contribution First inputs for regional diagnostic manual will be provided by TCCT 2 (Snjezana) and NC 1 (Vladimir) Harmonisation of national legislation is the first step in improvement of surveillance and diagnostics Decision makers strategy is essential for improvement of diagnostic and laboratory capacity Raise awareness of farmers about importance of AAH control (leaflets)
Conclusions of WG discussions 23/24 Oct AAH Draft surveillance program (DSP) distributed to the participants (hard copy) and electronic copy will be delivered by s to the NPCs (TTCT 3 Sabina) Additional inputs for AAH DSP will be provided through NCPs in following two weeks Common terminology and use of technical terms such as: surveillance, farm registration/approval discussed and agreed for future communication and documents Non EU countries included in the project through improvement of theirs AAH status will increse trading opportunities Try to improve the organization of the next workshop based on your recommendations and evaluation of Workshop 2 All materials generated during Workshop 2 will be distributed in a USB
Task 5: Time-line for Achieving Output 2 and 4 (Diagnostic and Surveillance) ActivitiesJuly-Sept 2013Oct-Dec 2013Jan-Mar 2014Apr-June 2014July-Sept 2014 Workshop Report and Certificate to participants AugMid December Surveillance design, manual and AAH website Aug (1 st draft)Oct (2 nd draft)Apr (3 rd draft)Aug (Final draft) Pilot testing and report Aug (carp) Bosnia Serbia Croatia Macedonia Mar (trout/carp) Croatia, Serbia Bosnia Macedonia Montenegro July/august (carp) Bosnia Serbia Croatia Macedonia AAH website and follow-up workshops AugDiagnostics (Oct, Bosnia) Emergency Response (Apr, Macedonia) Aqua Promotion (Jul, Montenegro) Training of official/authorise d veterinarians involved in sampling Mid February Diagnostic manual Jan (1 st draft)Apr (2 nd draft)Aug (final draft)
THANK YOU VERY MUCH TCP/RER/3402 Assisting Western Balkan Countries to Improve Compliance with International Standards on Aquatic Animal Health Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hotel Palas, Oct 2013