Photonics ETP / ISTC / 30-Nov-05 PHOTONICS 21 : The Photonics Technology Platform Rosalie ZOBEL Director, Components and Systems European Commission Directorate General Information Society and Media
Photonics ETP / ISTC / 30-Nov-05 Outline Introduction: What is Photonics ? Photonics for the 21st Century, a bright future A continuing IST support of Photonics Industrial context: the Photonics industry in Europe The PHOTONICS 21 Technology Platform - History - Objectives of the Technology platform - Current Status - Proposed executive board and Topical working groups Conclusion and further reading
Photonics ETP / ISTC / 30-Nov-05 What is Photonics ? The science of the mastery of light –The Generation of light –The Detection of light –The Management of light through: Guidance Manipulation Amplification A tool for the benefit of mankind
Photonics ETP / ISTC / 30-Nov-05 Photonics for the 21st Century: A bright future Communications Entertainment Displays Lighting Life Science and Health Care Manufacturing 20th Century: Century of the Electron 21st century: Century of the Photon 20th Century21st Century
Photonics ETP / ISTC / 30-Nov-05 A continuing IST support: example of Photonic components FP 5 21 M€ 19 M€ 15 M€ Funding (55 M€) ( ) M€ FP M€ 52 M€ 2004 ( )FP 7( )
Photonics ETP / ISTC / 30-Nov-05 Industrial context: the Photonic industry in Europe Today: Employs: scientists, engineers, and technicians World-wide leadership in Lighting, High power lasers, Communication Opportunities: –Lighting, Lasers, Health, Life Science, Nanotechnologies Challenges: –Developing and Protecting IP, –Access to capital, –Coordination of R&D at the European level Prediction for 2010: –1.5 million jobs, up 200% –250 billion euros in products, up 300% –45,000 patents up, 200 %
Photonics ETP / ISTC / 30-Nov-05 A short “History” of Started: January 2004 November 2004, First meeting of stakeholders February 2005, « Photonics for the 21st Century » is Published May 2005, Presentation to Commissioners Potočnik and Reding August 2005, green light to proceed from the EC Tomorrow, 1 December 2005: Launch of the Photonics Technology Platform
Photonics ETP / ISTC / 30-Nov-05 Objectives of the Platform –Increase Public support for R&D in Photonics, in line with the Lisbon Objectives, –Enable more industrial investments in Photonics and Establish strategic links between SME-based industries and principal user industries, –Create the necessary research environment, –Foster cooperation and coordination between R&D programmes in the member states and the European Commission, –Write the equation that links industry needs with R&D programmes.
Photonics ETP / ISTC / 30-Nov-05 Current status of the Launch on 1-2 December in Brussels Proposal for –Executive Board –Working group leaders –Terms of reference Web sites and on-line registration
Photonics ETP / ISTC / 30-Nov-05 Proposed Executive Board President –Alexander von Witzleben, CEO Jenoptik Vice Presidents –Bernd Schulte, President EPIC, CTO Aixtron –Paul Lagasse, IMEC –Malgorzata Kujawinska, Warsaw University of Technology
Photonics ETP / ISTC / 30-Nov-05 Topical working groups Information and Communication (WG1) Giorgio Anania, CEO Bookham Industrial Production/Manufacturing and Quality (WG2) Peter Leibinger, CEO Trumpf Lasertechnik Life Sciences and Health (WG3) Michael Kaschke, CTO Carl Zeiss Lighting and Displays (WG4) Peter Stormberg, CTO Philips Lighting Metrology and Sensors (WG5) Jean-Francois Coutris, Vice President SAGEM Design and Manufacturing of Components and Systems (WG6) Lars Thylen, KISTA/Acreo Photonics Research, Education and Training (WG7) Chris Dainty, European Optical Society - Compound semiconductors - Fibers - Organic and polymers - Detection - Photonic ICs - Nanophotonics… Cross-cutting Technologies
Photonics ETP / ISTC / 30-Nov-05 Conclusion and next step Increase public and private support of R&D in Photonics Protection and exploitation of European IP Adapting and improving education Raising Public awareness by effective communications Increasing pre-competitive collaborations Competitive manufacturing ( standards, infrastructures etc ) Next steps: - Launch in Brussels December 1 and 2 You are invited to attend this workshop on December 2 - Strategic Research agenda for FP-7: due on 1 April 2006
Photonics ETP / ISTC / 30-Nov-05 Further reading… and visit Photonics ETP / ISTC / 30-Nov-05 Visit: Solid-state Diode lighting, Athens Technopolis Available at: