Township of Adjala-Tosorontio Recreation Master Plan (March 2006) P LAYGROUNDS Playgrounds offer space for local residents (usually children) to exercise and socialize. This requires more than simply an open field. Playground equipment is necessary for younger age groups to play on, and adds to the quality of the park. Playground equipment is located in twelve park and school locations within the Township; however more could be built to increase the usage of park space in parks that are currently vacant. spar_ pdf spar_ pdf
Text Current Parks Current Park Proposed Park
Demographics of South East Everett Approximately 150 homes Greater than 120 children under 12 years It is a 2 km walk to nearest park Safety Concern: Cars travelling on County Road 13 continue to travel in excess of 80km/hr even though 50km/hr posted County Road 5 / Main Street Everett is busy street - 50km / hr There are no sidewalks along Country Road 13, Wales, Jenkins, Dekker, or Lynch. This presents a health & safety issue for families walking to the current parks.
A Park for Everyone Strong community support for a park which provides an accessible swing and play structure
Progress To Date Maintained communication with community via: April 21- Meeting on Site Community Meeting- June 16, 2009 Facebook group (Neighbours for a Park on Dekker Street) September 28, Special Meeting with Council to review quotes and plan next steps
Progress To Date 2 Requests for Park Designs Henderson (Appendix A) PlayPower (formerly LittleTykes) (Appendix B) Designed with 40% accessibility criteria
Phase 1 Water Treatment Mail Boxes : Play Ground Equipment & Benches Play Eqpt Dekker Street Homes that border the park.
Funding RInC funding- $55,000 (total eligible cost, up to in $) h_00019.html Development Charges for Lynch/Dekker Homes Trillium/Hydro Grant Application
Parks are important community resources for promoting physical activity (Bedimo-Rung et al., 2005). Payne et al. (2005) reported that individuals who lived within walking distance of a park used parks significantly more and perceived themselves to be in better health than those without a park nearby. Other studies have also supported the importance of proximity to parks for facilitating physical activity and active living. Cohen et al.’s (2006) study of 360 adolescent girls found that the number of parks within 1 mile of participants’ homes was significantly related to total moderate-to-vigorous physical activity. One study conducted by Timperio et al. (2004) found that the absence of nearby parks and sports venues was related to fewer walking and cycling trips among 10 to 12 year olds. Research Proves It… Safe Access to Parks = Increased Activity
Next Steps Council has approved the park proposal in principal and will work with EPIC to move forward with grant applications and timelines for a Spring 2010 build.