THE WINNET PORTAL as a virtual network building tool Eva Fabry Legnano, 2003-12-15.


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Presentation transcript:

THE WINNET PORTAL as a virtual network building tool Eva Fabry Legnano,

The WINNET Partnership 9 countries 17 partners 140 regions 203 M inhabitants – 50% women Several hundred Resource Centres Great competences – experiences – best practices Eva Fabry Legnano,

National networks of key actors in regard to economic development and women’s participation in regional and local development 5 components – No.4 Communication, dissemination, mainstreaming 5 Thematic sub-networks WINNET Focus points Eva Fabry Legnano,

A self-sustaining European Network of Women Resource Centres 2005 *physical network *virtual network The WINNET GOAL Eva Fabry Legnano,

Eva Fabry Legnano, Folkrörelseforum 2003 ”Time for Democracy”

Eva Fabry Legnano, Folkrörelseforum 2003 ”Time for Democracy”

The WINNET communication tool Innovative virtual network building tool Gives a common IT-platform for the partnership including a virtual office with on-line interactive services Gives an always up to date picture of the project Reflects the complexity of the project Helps the dissemination of the project Contributes to assuring the sustainability of the project* Easy to use, cost-effective and all inclusive Multilingual Operated with high security and support A solution based on empowerment ! Eva Fabry Legnano,
