Optimizing Metadata in MetaLib for Quality OpenURLs by Jerry V. Caswell & John Wynstra University of Northern Iowa &
How to get the most out of this presentation Pay attention – it is going to get all “metadata –ish” What you will see on the PowerPoint slides –4 cases each one a different metadata tweak. –Slide numbers – case1.2, case1.3, etc. –Questions between each Case –Zoom After the Cases –A few details and more questions
Introduction UNI Quick Facts –Cedar Falls, Iowa –11,294 Undergrad Students (2009 headcount) –1,786 Grad Students (2009 headcount) –A guy by the name of Ali Farokhmanesh put us on the map recently
Introduction Rod Library Quick Facts –19 librarians, 36 staff, 97 student assistants –$6.6 million annual budget –1 million + holdings –180 + research databases
Introduction Rod Library Systems Info –LIT department staff of 5 Servers, Desktops, System Applications, Administration, Support –Innovative Interfaces Integrated Library System –Ex Libris SFX OpenURL resolver –Ex Libris MetaLib Federated Search –Xerxes front end to Federated Search –CONTENTdm digital library
The Problem Unpredictable and unreliable metadata is shortchanging our users.
A Solution Fix the metadata if possible before it arrives at its final destination – the user.
How are we going to fix it? MetaLib tools available for the Configuration Record –Conversion tab –OpenURL tab From here forward I assume some familiarity with the MetaLib Administrative Interface
How to get to these tabs
Conversion Tab
OpenURL Tab
Case 1 Citation Data Volume and Issue Numbers In General OneFile
Case 1.1 Metadata
Case 1.2 Display
Case 1.3 Journal
Case 1.4 OpenURL ;date=1994;volume=;issue=;spage=212;epage=;aulast=Adler;aufirst=%20Tina;auinit=;title=Science%20News;at itle=Acid%20soil%20blamed%20for%20thinning%20eggshells.;sici=;__service_type=;pid=%3Cmetalib_doc_numbe r%3E %3C%2Fmetalib_doc_number%3E%3Cmetalib_base_url%3Ehttp%3A%2F%2Fresearchtools.uni.ed u%3A80%3C%2Fmetalib_base_url%3E%3Copid%3E%3C%2Fopid%3E issn= ;date=1994; volume=;issue=; spage=212;epage
Case 1.5 MARC
Case 1.6 MARC
Case 1.7 Tab
Case 1.8 Tab
Case 1.9 Display
Case 1.10 Article
Case 2 Citation Data Merge Multiple Fields Into One 773 for Display Puposes
Case 2.1 Display Citation: Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society 73 4
Case 2
Case 2.3 Citation: Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society 73 4
Case2.4 Conversion
Case Fix
Case Merge
Case 2.7 – Display Citation: Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society year: 2008, volume:73, issue 4, pages
Case MARC year 2008, |g volume: 73 |g issue: 4 |g pages |t Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society |g year 2008, |g volume: 73 |g issue: 4 |g pages
Case 3 DOI Position it for Display And OpenURL
Case 3.1 MARC 024 |a /j.enpol
Case 3.2 Display IDNumber /j.enpol
Case 3.3 MARC 028 |a /j.enpol
Case 3.4 Display
Case 3.5 Conversion Tab
Case |a /j.enpol
Case 3.7 IDNumber /j.enpol
Case 3.8
Case 3.9 Conversion Tab
Case 3.10 OpenURL tab
Case 3.11 Open URL =Article;isbn=;issn= ;date=2010;volume=38;issue=3;spage=1251;epage=1254;aulast=Lange;aufirst=%20Ian ;auinit=;title=Energy%20Policy;atitle=Steam%20versus%20coking%20coal%20and%20the%20acid%20rain%20pro gram;sici=;__service_type=;pid=%3Cmetalib_doc_number%3E %3C%2Fmetalib_doc_number%3E%3Cm etalib_base_url%3Ehttp%3A%2F%2Fresearchtools.uni.edu%3A80%3C%2Fmetalib_base_url%3E%3Copid%3E%3C %2Fopid%3E ;id=doi%3A %2Fj.enpol ;
Case 3.12 Full-text
Case 4 Control Numbers Link to Native Interface
Case 4.1 Holdings University of Chicago
Case 4.2
Case 4.3
Case 4.4
Case 4.5
Case ?profile=ucstaff &index=CONSRC &term=$035_a
Case 4.7 ISI Bio Abstracts
Case 4.8 AN |a HORS SEP
Case way.cgi ?GWVersion=2 &SrcAuth=ExLibris &SrcApp=Metalib &DestLinkType=FullRecord &DestApp=BIOABS &CKEY=$AN_a
Case 4.10
Parser Programs syntax Parser VOL,a,Pg\S v\G, Regex YR,a,Pa/ (\d{4}),/
Keeping IRDs up-to-date Tricky – not ideal It requires intentional revisiting of locally customized configuration records as updates are released
Benefiting all MetaLib users. Pass on the local customizations to Ex Libris if they are general enough to solve a problem for everyone. They can and have included them in future updates.
The Last Mile Role of the Library is to connect users to content. From Ex Libris Strategic Direction presentation in Spearfish 2007 by Oren Beit-Arie
The Last Mile High-quality metadata is becoming more important for discovery of appropriate resources. The Digital Information Seeker OCLC, from Ex Libris Strategic Direction presentation in Fort Worth 2010 by Oren Beit-Arie
The Last Mile Accurate transfer of metadata between systems Is just one aspect of providing High Quality Metadata.
Thank You &