Andover Pull List PULL LIST PROCEDURE Log on to Evergreen Open “Pull List for Hold Requests” Click the “Fetch more holds” button however many times it takes until the button turns grey Click the Print button……after a few seconds a print dialog box will appear Click OK
Andover Pull List
Pull List Printer Template
Receipt Template Editor Holds_Pull_List
Pull List Results
Non-fiction Display Units
Hold Slip Template Header *********** header ************* #slip { font-size: 15pt; margin-top: 4.5em; width: 100%; clear: both; border-bottom: Ipx solid #000; padding-bottom: 4.5in; } #notifications { font-size: 15pt; margin-top: 4.5em; width: 100%; clear: both; margin-bottom:.5in; }.hide { display:none; } div.alias:not(:empty) { line-height: lem; font-size: 2.5em; text-decoration: underline; } /* something like this could denote aliases div.alias:not(:empty):before { font-size: smaller; content: "*"; } */ div.alias:not(:empty)+div, div.rotate-alias:not(:empty)+div, div.hold-for-name:not{:empty)+div { display: none; }.hold-for { margin-top: lem; }.hold-for div { display: inline; }
Header - Continued.rotate { position: absolute; display: block; -moz-transform: rotate(90deg); -moz-transform-origin: bottom left; top: -l.Oem; left: 64mm; width:.75em; font-size: 6em; height: lem; line-height: lem; /* affects distance between letters */ word-wrap: break-word; letter-spacing: 800px; /* needs large value to prevent two letters appearing side-by-side */ text-transform: uppercase; }.rotate div { border: Ipx solid #000; } span.expiry-date { display: block; text-align: center; margin-top: lOpx; font-size:.3em; line-height: l.Oem; letter-spacing: normal; } %SUBSTR(3, -100)%PATRON_ALIAS%SUBSTR_END% %SUBSTR(3, - 100)%PATRON_LASTNAME%SUBSTR_END% %DATE_FORMAT(%shelf_expire_time%,%m/%d)%
Header - Continued %PATRON_ALIAS% %PATRON_LASTNAME% %PATRON_FIRSTNAME% Hold Slip Andover %TODAY_D% %TODAY_I% : %TODAY_iyi% Hold For: %PATRON_ALIAS% %PATRON_LASTNA]yiE%, %PATRON_FIRSTNA]yiE% ITEM: %item_barcode% %item_title%
Footer ************ FOOTER ***************** Patron Notifications: %notify_by_j)hone_msg% * %notify_by_ _msg% % no t i f y_by_t ext_msg % *
Receipt Template Editor Holds_For_Patron
Hold Slips When Patron Chooses NO Notification
Hold Slip When Patron Chooses Phone Notification
Hold Slip When Patron Choose Notification
Hold Slip When Patron Choose Text Message Notification
Patron Hold shelves
Close-up of Patron Hold Shelf