11 PRESENTATION ON CULTURE TO THE COMMITTEE ON PARTNERSHIP FOR DEVELOPMENT POLICIES Richard Campbell Chief, Culture and Tourism Section Department of Economic and Social Development Organization of American States (OAS) November 14, 2014
2 SEDI Structure EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Department of Economic & Social Development Competitiveness, Innovation & Technology Section Trade & Economic Development Section Social Development Section Culture and Tourism Section Department of Sustainable Development Sustainable Energy Section Sustainable Cities, Risk Management & Climate Change Section Integrated Management of Water Resources Section Environmental Law, Policy & Governance Section Department of Human Development, Education & Employment Human Development & Education Section Labor & Employment Section Section of Policies Secretariat for Inter-American Telecommunications Commission (CITEL) (Section) Section of Technical Cooperation Secretariat for the Inter-American Committee on Ports (CIP) (Section) Administrative Management Support Section
3 MISSION STATEMENT The mission of Culture and Tourism Section of the Organization of American States (OAS) is to support the development of tangible and intangible cultural and tourism assets and cement new and established links between the tourism and culture sectors to enhance the contribution of both sectors to economic and social development in OAS member states.OASOAS member states.
44 Declaration of Port-au-Prince Declaration of Port-au-Prince on “Cultural Interdependence in the context of globalization” Instruct the Inter-American Committee on Culture (CIC), with SEDI’s support, to strengthen the inclusion of culture in the existing cooperation mechanisms within the OAS General Secretariat in order to facilitate the exchange of experiences regarding public policies, training and strengthening of institutional and human capacity building opportunities in the field of culture, as well as the design and execution of joint projects and programs that effectively utilize different modes of cooperation, such as enhanced collaboration among sister cities. Instruct the CIC and the SEDI to explore the possibility of emphasizing cultural entrepreneurship as an integral component of its programming in the areas of competitiveness, innovation and MSMEs development; and to recognize annually innovative work in this field through the establishment of an Americas Cultural Entrepreneurship Award. Instruct the CIC, with the support of SEDI, to explore the possibility of including in its programming strategies for the development of the cultural industries which create opportunities to facilitate the competitiveness of member states, particularly those smaller countries and small island developing states (SIDS) who are dependent on the development of this non-traditional sector for the diversification of the vulnerable economies. VI Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of Culture – Haiti, August 12 and 13, 2014
5 Declaration of Port-au-Prince (cont) Declaration of Port-au-Prince on “Cultural Interdependence in the context of globalization” (cont) Instruct the CIC, with SEDI’s support, to explore the possibility of establishing a mechanism for the virtual promotion of the cultures of the Americas dedicated to cultural and artistic education through the dissemination of books and of cultural, artistic, academic and journalist works of authors from the entire region, as well as projects, cultural institutions and relevant legislation, and to report on the progress and outcomes at the Seventh Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of Culture and Highest Appropriate Authorities in the Framework of CIDI. Commit to inter-agency coordination and to exchange experiences and support public policies that encourage cultural entrepreneurship, the development of systems related to improving the capture of data and measurement of the contribution of culture to the economy, and the design of cultural programs that contribute to the development of local communities with social inclusion and innovation.
6 Strategic Plan for Partnership for Integral Development AG/RES (XXXVI-O/06) – Extended until December 31, 2015 AG/RES (XLIV-0/14) -Fostering respect for cultural diversity, as well as promoting and preserving ethnic and linguistic heritage and traditions -Supporting member states in their efforts to preserve, protect, manage, and promote heritage through cooperation and capacity building; promoting educational public awareness campaigns; fostering international partnerships among cultural heritage sites and agencies -Supporting member states in their efforts to strengthen the cultural content of their educational programs, to assist in developing cultural identity; promoting intercultural dialogue, creativity, and artistic expression; and enhancing awareness and respect for cultural and linguistic diversity -Supporting job creation in the cultural sector through regional forums that address the challenges and opportunities of artists, artisans and, cultural industries; horizontal cooperation projects; and programs and incentives to ensure an environment in which creative expression and cultural industries may flourish -Supporting member states in their efforts to build capacity to measure the social and economic impact of cultural activity, and to gather, analyze and disseminate information on culture through the exchange of information and practices in cultural information systems
7 The CIC Work Plan followed these 2 pillars: Pillar 1: Creating Institutional Capacity and Creative Industries: increasing economic growth and promoting development through culture Pillar 2: Promoting Social Inclusion: Culture as a tool for youth participation and promoting intercultural dialogue
8 Pillar 1 Project Culture and Development - Financed by the US Permanent Mission to the OAS Virtual Portfolio Culture: common denominator for development o26 new programs and initiatives selected from 18 OAS member states were included in the virtual publication Technical horizontal cooperation missions (Nov 2013 – Feb 2014) o5 technical cooperation missions implemented on the topic: “to strengthen and train OAS member states on the implementation of culture satellite accounts” oBeneficiaries: Costa Rica, Peru, Saint Lucia, Barbados and Bolivia oTechnical Counterparts: The Ministry of Culture of Argentina, the Ministry of Culture of Colombia, the Ministry of Education and Culture of Uruguay and UNESCO Institute for Statistics
9 Pillar 1 (continued) Expanding the socio-economic potential of cultural heritage in the Caribbean Phase 1: needs evaluation and project selection (Oct – Feb 2014): 1)In-depth analysis from needs and opportunities in the region; 2)Developed framework for regional collaboration and planning and; 3)Issued recommendations for possible future pilot projects in the Caribbean based on: - interdisciplinary and participatory model heritage programs encompassing different levels Phase 2: implementation of projects components (January 2015) Strengthen capacity of participating Caribbean countries in the preservation, development, and use of cultural heritage resources with local community participation in the following areas: Legislation and fiscal policy Monitoring and registration Sustainable tourism Education and professional development
10 Pillar 1 (continued) Study on the Economic Impact of the Creative Industries in the Americas oObjective: Demonstrate the contribution and potential of cultural and creative industries in all countries of the Americas and, by way of reference, in 10 countries outside the region
11 Pillar 2 Portfolio of Arts and Media on “The role of arts and communications media in education for democratic citizenship” oSelection of experiences of the policies, programs, and initiatives in the Americas oDescription and analysis at regional and sub-regional levels of: oTrends, opportunities, and challenges on the use of the arts and communications media for education for a democratic citizenship
12 Strategic Alliances 1. Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) 2. British Council 3. UNESCO Institute for Statistics 4. Convenio Andrés Bello (CAB)
13 Eventos hemisféricos de la CIP March 2013 – V Ordinary Meeting of the CIC, Washington, DC August 2014 – VI Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of Culture and Highest Appropriate Authorities, Port-au-Prince, Haiti Meeting of the New CIC Authorities, TBD VII Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of Culture and Highest Appropriate Authorities, 2016 Hemispheric Events Recent Hemispheric Events Upcoming Hemispheric Events
14 Synergies within the OAS Culture and Tourism Section oThe Inter-sectoral linkages between culture and tourism where EXPORED as part of the Agendas of the XXI Inter-American Congress of Ministers of Tourism and the VI Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of Culture oThe Ministers discussed the value of Natural and Cultural Heritage Resources and the challenges and opportunities related to Cultural Heritage OAS Development Cooperation Fund (OAS/DCF) The Fund approved and financed two projects in the area of culture: 1. Elaboration and Implementation of the Cultural Satellite Account (CSC) in the Countries of the Andean Area (presented by Peru), under Pillar 1 2. Youth Network of Creative Exchange and Artistic Production (presented by Colombia), under Pillar 2
15 OAS synergies (continued) Department of Human Development, Education and Employment o5 scholarships in 2013 for Spanish speakers for the Master in World Heritage and Cultural Projects for Development, with ILO’s International Training Center (ITCILO) o8 scholarships in 2014 on the same topic, 4 in Spanish and 4 in English Culture in the Organization of American States: A Retrospective ( ) oReflection on the legacy and perspectives of the OAS in the field of culture oThe document covers culture from the creation of the Inter-American System (prior to the OAS) until
16 Thank you! Richard Campbell Chief, Culture and Tourism Section Department of Economic and Social Development