A – Action Approach Action Approach is not just a motto. It’s what KBC delivers through every training and model.
B – Being… Being a trusted advisor: we don’t sell products, we provide solutions that work for your organisation
C - Consistency Consistency – we can deliver the same experience, in a common language of leadership, in the local context of every country of the world
D - Dedicated Dedicated to building and developing effective leaders
E - Embedding Embedding solutions – creating an architecture for development, training and coaching, and embedding the learning in your organisation
F - Full service Whether you’re looking unleash your full potential or your whole organization’s, we’ve got you covered.
G - Global reach We help clients in XX countries in YY languages. We have a global network of partners and experienced consultants who have been creating people-centered leaders for more than 40 years
H - High performance We help organizations achieve high performance by putting the right people at the right position with the right skill sets
I - Integrity We put customers first and practice servant leadership
J - Just Perfect It’s about being able to deliver highly customized solutions. We can do it because we develop services in a way that is simple, modular, interoperable and consistent so you get exactly what you want.
K - Ken Blanchard Ken Blanchard Companies is one of the top 20 training companies in the world.
L - Leadership We Link Leadership with Results
M – Most…. Most of Fortune 100 companies around the world are choosing Blanchard as the leadership development partner.
N – No other… No other company is able to increase the leadership capacity in your organization as well as the Ken Blanchard Companies.
O – Optimal Motivation Optimal Motivation is the only training program in the world that teaches and develops motivation manager skill.
P - Practical Skills and tools that maximize results!
Q - Quality Developing and sustaining effective skills and tools in your future leaders!
R - Results Create a win-win alliance for optimal performance
S - SLII® Much more than licensed providers of the world’s most renowned leadership model!
T - Time-Tested Over 30 years of proven track record!
U nique Leadership model people centered approach Teaching design
Value added Very practial approach Variety of programs Virtual trainings Vibrant learning experience
W hy Blanchard? World class solutions Worldwide presence We partner with you
X traordinary eXperiential learning X-cultural eXtremely flexible design eXperts worldwide
Y es, we can customize, Impact your organization, solve your problems,