SFT Group Meeting 2 nd September News (10') John Harvey 2. Summer Student reports Denis FAVRE-MIVILLE (15') Johannes Feist (15') Tomas Kubes (15') Andrew McLennan (15') Danilo Piparo (15') 3. AOB
SFT S o F T w a r e D e v e l o p m e n t f o r E x p e r i m e n t s SFT Personnel News Leaving SFT Valerie Onoutchine finished his PJAS in July Torbjorn Sjostrand finished his PDSA end August Torbjorn is due to return as a PJAS 1 st half of 2006 Oliver Link and Marek Biskup leaving end September Massimo Marino leaving to join Apple Joining SFT Bertrand Bellenot – staff: started August 1 st (ROOT/SPI) Alexander Howard – Applied Fellow: starts Oct 3 rd (Geant 4) Axel Naumann – staff: starts Nov 1 st (ROOT/CORE)
SFT S o F T w a r e D e v e l o p m e n t f o r E x p e r i m e n t s Bottom-up Review of PH Department (1) Internal Audit (HR) asked to make a ‘bottom-up’ review of PH department by DG in past focused on LHC machine and experimental areas will look at all departments, starting with PH ‘focus on CMS support’ and in particular the following groups: CMS groups : CMI, CMA PH Support Groups : DT1, DT2, SFT, ESS, ED, MIC Objectives and Scope to ensure strategic aims are met in cost effective manner look at effectiveness of procedures and controls assess the strategy, risks, departmental structure and interfaces to other departments and clients assess on individual level job functions, overlaps, gaps, workload
SFT S o F T w a r e D e v e l o p m e n t f o r E x p e r i m e n t s Bottom-up Review of PH Department (2) Audit approach processes identified and documented manpower documented and measured risks and controls evaluated report will be produced highlighting strengths and weaknesses and making recommendations for improvement where appropriate follow-up strategy will be agreed based on an action plan JH interview with HR beginning of August 2005 group mandate, objectives, structure and profile, budget scope of activities, projects, interaction with clients (LCG bodies) software map, current status, participation in inter-lab collaborations successes, risks, links to further information
SFT S o F T w a r e D e v e l o p m e n t f o r E x p e r i m e n t s SFT Group Inventory New procedure for PH inventory – managed by Gino De Bilio Nathalie has checked the inventory for SFT equipment PCs, screens, printers,... ‘New’ fields and red entries are changes w.r.t. main inventory SFT inventory will be updated by Nathalie whenever new equipment is ordered please ensure she is informed Inventory updates will sent to De Bilio (every quarter?) inventory stickers will be issued by de Bilio and stuck on by Nathalie NETOPS database also being updated by Nathalie Convention for naming new equipment PCPHSFTnnn ‘Responsible’ SFT/PCADMIN - except for special servers (e.g. Geant 4 – Gunter)
SFT S o F T w a r e D e v e l o p m e n t f o r E x p e r i m e n t s Portable Computers Need paperwork in order to take equipment off the CERN site, e.g. for portable computers Please supply description of equipment to Nathalie Manufacturer and model (IBM Thinkpad) Type ( MG) Serial number (552K62P205) EDH document number ( ) - to get the value, for example Nathalie will issue a ‘shipping request’ for you ‘Logistics Services’ will then supply an invoice which Nathalie will give to you Please keep it with your portable
SFT S o F T w a r e D e v e l o p m e n t f o r E x p e r i m e n t s Future SFT Group Meeting Dates Friday October 7 th Friday November 11 th Friday December 9 th
SFT S o F T w a r e D e v e l o p m e n t f o r E x p e r i m e n t s Summer Students Summer studentSupervisorProposed officeStart Date ANNINOS DionysiosGRICHINE Vladimir2/R th June FAVRE-MIVILLE DenisANTCHEVA Ilka32/R-C0921 st June FEIST JohannesFOLGER Gunter2/R-0205 th July KUBES TomasPFEIFFER Andreas32/R-B1521 st June MADEJCZYK Jakub RADEMAKERS Fons32/R-B165 th July MCLENNAN AndrewMONETA Lorenzo32/R-C2221 st June PIPARO DaniloPOINSIGNON Eric32/R-B0319 th July