Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II This project is funded by the European Union 1 Third Arab Statistical Forum: Toward a new prospects of Arab statistical system Training in MEDSTAT II 18 April sanaa, yemen Driss Afza, Training Expert MEDSTAT II- Lot1
Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II This project is funded by the European Union 2 Outline of the presentation MED-Training II Objectives, expected outputs & planned activities Work performed in 2006 MED-Training II priorities Work programme 2007
Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II This project is funded by the European Union 3 Wider objective MED-Training II Strengthen capacity building of the Mediterranean national statistical systems in the areas of the design, the programming, the delivery and the evaluation of training in statistics Reinforce the expertise of the Mediterranean staff in the NSI’s Coordination for the whole MEDSTATII training activities
Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II This project is funded by the European Union 4 Specific objectives Ensure a better adequacy between supply &demand Provide partners with tailored made training courses Evaluate each training action & assess the appropriation of know-how Set-up, in close collaboration with EC, a better mechanism for the selection of participants Create & update a management information system on all training activities implemented under MEDSTATII
Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II This project is funded by the European Union 5 Expected results (1/2) MED national statistical capacities are strengthened Training national Road Map are established, adopted by all parties & respected 400 to 700 junior/senior staff are trained A network of high level competent Euro-Mediterranean statisticians is established Teaching materials are developed, adapted to MED countries & available in Arabic Tailored training course are delivered in appropriate language
Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II This project is funded by the European Union 6 Expected results (2/2) The multiplier effect is maximized (training manuals production & training for trainers) E-learning modules are developed & provided to MED partners Systematic information on activities funded by MEDSTATII & their evaluation available in MED- Training database Continuous synergy & coordination is ensured with MEDSTAT II sub-programmes Mechanisms are set up for good-bad practice exchange between MED partners for appropriate feed-back toward EC
Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II This project is funded by the European Union 7 Planned Activities ACT1- Identification & assessment of training needs ACT2- Transfer of know-how & exchange of best practices within the Euro-Mediterranean statistical systems ACT 3 & 4: Design,maintenance & feeding of the RDB & coordination between Lot1 and Lot 2 ACT 5: Management, programming evaluation& reorientation of the activities
Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II This project is funded by the European Union 8 Work performed in 2006
Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II This project is funded by the European Union 9 Training programme 2006 Provide training opportunities to MPC’s as soon as possible (long phase of developpment of a training programme) Topics taken from priorities expressed by partners Diroctor’s Committee Cordoba
Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II This project is funded by the European Union 10 Training programme 2006 Training courses implemented: Basic principles for Publication & Dissemination of statistical products (EN) Demographic data & their analysis (FR) Seasonal adjustment methods (EN) Business registers (FR) Adding value through strategic management (EN) 100 Mediterranean statisticians were trained
Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II This project is funded by the European Union 11 Orientation missions Objectif & scope of the work Approach used : Parallel and inter-related
Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II This project is funded by the European Union 12 Orientation missions Main findings Human resources Institutional framework Training needs assessment Design and monitoring of Annual Training Programme Language and sub-regional aspects
Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II This project is funded by the European Union 13 Orientation missions Main priorities expressed by MPC’s: Training priorities in cross-cutting topics Thematic training priorities Needs in terms of technical assistance
Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II This project is funded by the European Union 14 MED-Training II priorities
Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II This project is funded by the European Union 15 Strengthening NSI's with operational training units Staff training needs assessment Training needs prioritization Design of Annual Training Programme Training engineering: selection of trainers, Terms of Reference for training courses, selection of participants, logistics and course evaluation
Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II This project is funded by the European Union 16 Implementation of the integrated training programme Regional courses/ sub regional courses Participation in courses organized by other training institutions (CEPE, AITRS) Training of Trainers courses On-line courses Monitoring of evaluation
Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II This project is funded by the European Union 17 Monitoring of evaluation Evaluation of training activities is a crucial part of the MEDSTAT II programme A tool for EC & MPC’s to jointly monitor the impact of MED-Training in the daily work Two steps: Evaluation at the end of the course by each participant Post-evaluation six months after the course by the particiants & her/his superior
Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II This project is funded by the European Union 18 Management Information System for training activities Information on training courses: participants, material and evaluation … Virtual library and forum for all involved parties Knowledge management and archive
Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II This project is funded by the European Union 19 Work programme 2007
Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II This project is funded by the European Union 20 Work programme 2007 Training in cross-cutting topics: 3 courses in Arabic 3 courses in English (1 proposed by EFTA) 5 courses in French 1 course with interpretation AR/EN/FR 2 ‘training of trainers’ courses
Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II This project is funded by the European Union 21 Work programme 2007(cont) Training in thematic topics: 1 course in Arabic 8 courses in English 7 courses in French 1 e-learning course (SNA-93) EN/FR
Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II This project is funded by the European Union 22 Work programme 2007(cont) Technical assistance for the definition of a training unit for the partners that requested it
Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II This project is funded by the European Union 23 Work programme 2007(cont) Training courses already organised: Sampling techniques & practice for agricultural sector (AR) Nomencltures, classification & harmonization (FR) Business statistics (FR) 66 Mediterranean statisticians were trained sofare
Regional Programme of Statistics in the Mediterranean Region MEDSTAT Phase II This project is funded by the European Union 24 شكرا على انتباهكم Thank you for your attention! Driss Afza ادريس افزة Training expert MEDSTAT II – Lot1