Mohawk Jr-Sr High School PSSA/PVAAS 2012
Act 82 – Teacher Evaluation Law Beginning in this applies to all teaching professionals (non-teaching professionals and principals will be included in ) 50% of overall rating will must include multiple measures of student performance 50% based on the new teacher evaluation model New ratings: o Distinguished o Proficient o Needs Improvement o Failing Does not apply to Charter Schools
Teacher Evaluation % 15%
County PSSA Data Student Achievement – Where are we? Correlated with demographic factors
District-Wide Math
Math – Grade 7
Math – Grade 8
Math – Grade 11
District-Wide Reading
Reading – Grade 7
Reading – Grade 8
Reading – Grade 11
Science - Grade 8
Science – Grade 11
What is PVAAS?
Achievement vs. Progress
PVAAS Growth Indicators
PVAAS Reading 4-8
PVAAS Grade 11 Math
PVAAS Grade 11 Reading
PVAAS Science
PVAAS Writing
PVAAS Projections What if you could know today who is most likely to be proficient this year? Or who is close to being proficient? Or who will need significant support? What supports can you provide? When/how? RTII
Projections for Grade 7 Math
Projections for Grade 7 Reading
Projections for Grade 8 Math
Projections for Grade 8 Reading
Student Projections See Handout
STEP 1: Log on to the PVAAS Website with user name and password. names: First.Last STEP 2: Under Reports Tab, Then under District Reports, Click on: Projection Summary (SINGLE TESTED GRADE)
Step 3: Under Grades tab, select the grade level the student was in last year. Step 4: Under the Projections tab, select the grade level the student is in this year, select the Subject, and the projection for Proficient. For students now in Grades 9, select Grade 11 subjects for Proficient.
This year’s AYP Math target increases from 78% to 89% Subgroups can be selected for further analysis (special ed, economically disadvantaged) In this chart, 83% of this year’s 7 th grade is predicted to be proficient if they receive one year of growth. Step 5: Clicking on the underlined numbers will bring up the names of students in each category.
STEP 6: Click on the Achievement Probability for any one student.
Student Projection