Political Map of Mexico
Mexico shares a long border with the southern United States. Bordered by the Pacific Ocean in the West The body of water located east of Mexico is the Gulf of Mexico. Mexico’s two main peninsulas are the Yucatán Peninsula and Baja California. Caves and sinkholes in the Yucatan have been cause by erosion.
Much of interior of Mexico is the high, rugged region known as the Mexican Plateau. The mountain ranges of Mexico are called the Sierra Madre. Minerals were Mexico’s most valuable resources before oil was discovered. Mexico’s mines yield gold, silver (largest silver producer in world), copper, lead, and zinc. Water scarcity is a serious issue in many part of Mexico.
Coastal Lowlands: The land slopes down to the coast from highlands in central Mexico. Good farmland is found on the Gulf Coastal Plain. The climate in Mexico’s mountains valleys is mild. Mexico City is located in the Valley of Mexico.
The climate of the southern coastal areas is pleasant and warm. The vegetation of northern Mexico is made up of desert plants and dry grasslands.
Most Mexicans speak Spanish because of Spanish influence in colonial times. Indian languages and traditional ways of life are most common in southern Mexico. Mexicans celebrate the Day of the Dead to honor death as a part of life.
Mexico is a democracy, but it was different from the US government in that the same political party ruled for 71 years. Trade between Mexico, Canada, and the United States has been made easier by the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Farms have long been a part of Mexican economy. Only 12 percent of the land can be farmed. Farmers grow cash crops, crops that farmers can sell for a profit.
Major industries include oil, mining, and manufacturing. Mexico’s coastal resorts and Aztec and Maya monuments attract many tourists. The fastest growing industrial centers in Mexico lie along the US border.
Mexico's Culture Regions Greater Mexico City: Includes the capital and 50 smaller cities. Has a population of more than 19 million. Second largest city in world. The pollution in Mexico City is caused by factories and cars. A problem in Mexico City that is made worse by the surrounding mountains is smog.
Northern Mexico: most affected by American culture because it is geographically close to the US. Central Mexico (north of Mexico City): Small family farms that grow vegetables, corn and wheat. Mining centers. New industries leading to rapid growth of cities Southern Mexico: Least populated and industrialized region. Two major export crops: sugarcane and coffee. Yucatán Peninsula: tourism to Maya ruins and beaches. Tiny fishing towns transformed to booming tourist centers.
Political Map of Central America
Central America: Southern part of North America. Includes Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama. Central America Geography SongCentral America Geography Song The Caribbean Islands: divide the Caribbean Sea from the Atlantic Ocean. Greater Antilles: Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola, and Puerto Rico. Lesser Antilles: Small islands from Virgin Islands to Trinidad to Tobago. The Bahamas island group lies in the Atlantic Ocean southeast of Florida.
Major crops of Central America and the Caribbean Islands are coffee, bananas, sugarcane and cotton. The weather of Central America and the Caribbean Islands is typically sunny and warm. Islands and Coastal Plains: Humid tropical and tropical savanna climates.
Most of the savanna area on the Pacific Coast has been converted to plantations and ranches. Inland Mountains: Cool, humid climates. Cloud forest, or a moist, high-elevation tropical forest where low clouds are common. From summer through fall, the region is threatened by hurricanes.
People and languages: Most people are mestizos, or people of mixed European and Indian ancestry. The official language in most Central American countries is Spanish. Some traditional foods in Central America are the same as in Mexico.
Guatemala: The most populous country in Central America (14 million). Still recovering from 36 years of violence between government forces and rebels. Belize and Honduras are two Central American countries with little land for agriculture. Honduras: Transportation difficult because of mountainous land. Little land for agriculture. Exports citrus fruits and bananas.
Most people in El Salvador live in poverty because a few rich people own most of the land. Costa Rica is the Central American country with a democratic government and a history of peace and stability.
Nicaragua: was ruled for many years by a group called the Sandinistas ( ). Panama: Narrow, southernmost country. Panama Canal (completed by US in 1914 and controlled by US until 1999) links Caribbean Sea and Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. The Panama Canal
Many people on Caribbean islands speak a language that is a combination of European and African languages. Puerto Rico used to be a Spanish colony but is now a US commonwealth.
Haiti is the poorest country in the Americas. Dominican Republic: Eastern part of Hispaniola. More developed than Haiti but not rich. Santo Domingo, the capital city, is the first permanent European settlement in Western Hemisphere. Economy: agriculture and growing tourism. The Virgin Islands are not independent. They are territories of the US and Great Britain.
Cuba has had a communist government since 1959 when Fidel Castro came to power. Newspapers, television and radio stations in Cuba are controlled by the Cuban government. Other islands: Jamaica is the largest of these other islands. Saint Kitts and Nevis is the smallest. Most people of African decent in Central America along the Caribbean Coast. Big parades, fancy costumes, and music are part of the Caribbean celebration of Carnival.