Flight Programs and Projects Directorate Diversity Council 4/4/01
Flight Programs and Projects Directorate Diversity Council Membership Volunteer Group Code 400 representatives to the Advisory Groups Meet monthly and communicate Core Group –Diane Williams –Cheryl Jones –Valda Jones –Earnestine Smart –Jim Smith –Andrea Razzaghi –Dorene Honeycutt
Flight Programs and Projects Directorate Diversity Council Core Purpose To serve as a voice for every individual to focus the directorate’s energy on critical diversity issues in an effort to foster an environment where trust, equality and fairness flourishes.
Flight Programs and Projects Directorate Accomplishments Leadership retreat was held to define vision and purpose, attain commitment to leadership, and to develop our 2001 plan. Diversity Council plus some added help from the directorate formed our Culture Survey Response Team. –Implemented the following: Campbell’s Soup (published monthly) MSR informal gatherings Evaluated 400 use of the EPCS form Mentoring for Success Program Revised 400 Awards Policies and Procedures Pilot Creative Learning Group
Flight Programs and Projects Directorate Accomplishments FY01 focus will be to create a uniform understanding and appreciation for diversity throughout the directorate. –Strategy will be to capitalize on existing processes, programs, training opportunities Action Plan –Insure Diversity training is included in Career Development Program – in all training activities (PMDE, Supervisory, Creative Learning Group, Core Competencies) –Incorporate into all-hands meetings – September all-hands will be devoted to diversity –Insert in Program Managers Staff meetings –Add “Diversity Corner” to Critical Path Newsletter –Incorporate into Campbell’s Soup –Use Culture Survey Images/Posters, etc. –Add Diversity Library to FPPD Web site
Flight Programs and Projects Directorate Concerns Role of the Diversity Council: Diversity Council consists of core team of people interested and dedicated to diversity; however, they are not for the most part in key directorate positions that can effect broad culture change in the directorate. –Directorate Office is working on creating an Integrated Plan for People which leverages the management of the directorate. Pipeline to Project Management: Want to insure that there are people being developed towards a career in Project Management and insure that we identify them early and provide mentoring and training. –AETD/STAAC/FPPD have agreed to work together on career development –Initiated a study looking at diversity provided to FPPD from 500/700- working through Board of Directors of 4/5/7. –Set aside Code 400 supervisors forum on diversity