Study of exclusive radiative B decays with LHCb Galina Pakhlova, (ITEP, Moscow) for LHCb collaboration Advanced Study Institute “Physics at LHC”, LHC Praha-2003, B Physics Day, 11/07/2003
2 Physics motivation Constraint on CKM matrix elements |V td /V ts | from the ratios of decay rates s s Search for New Physics Direct CP violation A CP < 1% in SM (tiny u quark contribution in loop) up to ~ 10% in SM extensions s Mixing-induced CP violation ~0 in SM (different polarizations in and decays ) up to ~ 50% in SM extensions s with e.g. s (Dalitz plot analysis of s to extract flavour blind s ) Exotics, super rare decays (s) l + l - , (s) , etc Test of QCD n b etc bs(d) W t(c,u)
3 Experimental overview The first exclusive radiative penguin was observed by CLEO in 1993 Belle Upper limit BABAR barion Upper limit CLEO Statistics at B-factories is still not sufficient for stringent test of SM in CP violation in radiative decays and for observation of b d (4.3 ± 0.4)×10 -5 PDG 2003 (3.8 ± 0.5)×10 -5 PDG 2003 CP ± 0.07 PDG 2003 (1.3 ± 0.5)×10 -5 PDG 2003
4 decay vertex primaryvertex decay distance Impact Parameter (IP) N b hadrons year all types of b hadrons bb / inel ~ high charged and neutral multiplicity few primary vertices event at LHCb
5 Challenge Electromagnetic penguins are indeed rare B decays inclusive Br b s exclusive Br are ~ smaller b d are further suppressed by |V td /V ts | 2 f b S f( b Background sources Huge combinatorial background from generic b b events Minimum bias events X decays separation using different shower shape for X=V polarization can be exploited
6 Search for CP violation Direct CP violation no tag and lifetime analysis are required Systematic errors are of great importance: fake (non-CP) asymmetries different and production rates in pp interactions detector asymmetries Hopefully can be calibrated with other final states e.g. J/ Mixing-induced CP violation need to tag flavour proper time resolution is critical especially for S due to fast oscillations ( x s >19) to be resolved
7 Can we measure radiative decays at LHCb Direct CP Energetic huge soft and background can be effectively removed dedicated trigger selects high E T photons at Level 0 two charged tracks vertex reconstruction S s decay & mixing-induced CP small narrow cut; small yield in decays: background conditions are more favourable extremely small opening angle problem with S vertex (proper time) resolution b d small narrow cut problem with combinatorial background from in progress (not presented here)
8 reconstruction Select combinations Tracks are consistent with hypothesis Reject tracks from all primary vertices ( IP >16) produce secondary vertex ( PDG MeV/c 2 PDG MeV/c 2 E T GeV (close to L0 trigger requirement) E* T GeV Select primary vertex with minimum IP of candidate Require momentum and flight direction to be consistent ( mrad) helicity angle: in rest frame |cos (p B, p K )|<0.7
9 Background suppression (1) No IP cut optimized IP > 16 SBSBSBSB comb Require large IP of to all reconstructed primary vertex ( IP > 16) suppress primary tracks especially effective background suppression in events with multiple interactions
10 Background suppression (2) Transverse energy E* T in rest frame vs E T in the lab frame E T GeV E T GeV powerful against low energy and E* T GeV E* T GeV rejects also soft candidates E T , GeV E* T GeV E* T GeV bb inclusive E T , GeV
11 Background suppression (3) reconstructed momentum reconstructed decay vertex reconstructed primary vertex Angle between momentum Angle between momentum and flight direction and flight direction should be 0 for real candidates (smeared by vertex resolution) randomly distributed for combinatorial background One of the most powerful cut! signal ~ 60% ; bb < 1%
12 suppression Significant suppression of fast is expected after application of special algorithm for separation based on shower shape (to be implemented soon) (to be implemented soon) Contribution from is small and can be further suppressed exploiting polarization : helicity states 0 0 helicity: in rest frame cos (p B, p K ) in rest frame cos (p B, p K )
13 : signal and background summary : signal and background summary ~ 4 min LHCb 0 events in ( ) GeV/c 2 mass window after trigger and off-line selection with all available MC statistics ~ 10.3 M events ~ 10.3 M events ~ 54 hours LHCb MeV/c 2 In blue: contribution from after trigger and off-line cuts of Br PDG 2003
14 Annual yield and CP sensitivity Efficiency, [%] N year CP Reconstruction & acceptance selectiontriggertotal K < 0.01 BACKGROUND / SIGNAL < 90 % CL Assuming: Assuming: Br = ( 4.3 0.4 ) × Br = ( 4.3 0.4 ) × f b = 0.39 f b = 0.39 N N N N CP N N
15 S reconstruction Two different tasks Two different tasks Branching ratio measurement similar to reconstruction: Tracks are consistent with hypothesis Reject tracks from all primary vertices ( IP > 4) produce secondary Vertex ( PDG MeV/c 2 E T GeV (close to L0 trigger requirements) E* T GeV Select primary vertex with minimum IP of S candidate S momentum and flight direction to be consistent mrad ( worse S vertex resolution) helicity : in rest frame |cos(p B,p K )| < 0.7 Search for mixing-induced CP: selection to be re-optimized selection to be re-optimized
16 s background suppression narrow < MeV/c 2 Background is mainly due to real Fortunately small yield from decays. After L0xL1 trigger & off-line cuts bb inclusive: 0 event in mass window GeV/c 2 from ~ 10.3 M events ( ~ 4 min LHCb) s s assuming Br Br s
17 s after trigger and off-line cuts s after trigger and off-line cuts Efficiency [%] N year reconstr. & accept. selectiontriggertotal K BACKGROUND / SIGNAL < % CL limited by MC statistics, expected to be better Assuming: Assuming: Br s = ( 4.3 0.4 ) × Br s = ( 4.3 0.4 ) × f b S = 0.10 f b S = 0.10 MeV/c 2 ~ 87 hours LHCb
18 Search for mixing induced CP in S simple vertex fit fs fs fs “direction” vertex fit fs fs fs S proper time resolution Main problem: Proper time resolution is critical: dominated by poor vertex resolution kaons are almost collinear no extra information on s vertex from Improvement can be achieved: Constrain the s flight direction to s momentum: (“direction” vertex fit) Improve vertex resolution Improve vertex resolution by factor > 2.5 by factor > 2.5 Select kinematical region with the better vertex (proper time) resolution: (slow larger opening angle)
19 s lifetime resolution cuts re-optimization for CP violation study Achieved lifetime resolution is close to those for charged modes. Estimation of CP violation sensitivities is in progress Require: cos , E T GeV, tighter cut No cut E* T S proper time resolution, ps cos S proper time resolution, ps Decay angle (between momentum in rest frame of s and s flight direction) is convenient variable to select the kinematical region that provides the better proper time resolution fs fs
20 Conclusion record statistical sensitivity in direct CP violation (A CP )< 0.01 for one year LHCb. Stringent test of SM extensions! systematic errors to be studied carefully S precise measurement of the branching fraction with ~2% accuracy for one year LHCb For indirect CP violation S proper time resolution is critical advanced fit vertex procedure and dedicated cut optimization allow to hope on reasonable sensitivity Others channels of interest |V td /V ts | direct CP violation s mixing-induced CP violation why not under study