© 2008 AHIMA CourseShare: A Walk-through of the Version 2.0 screens Patt Peterson, MA RHIA Director of Education, AHIMA
© 2008 The sign on page uses your standard AHIMA ID and password – Anyone can browse through CourseShare and make contributions to the collection, but only recognized HIM educators can download content from the site.
© 2008 This is the tutorial page of CourseShare – it provides a brief explanation of what is found in the collection (learning packets) and how to contribute or download materials.
© 2008 This is the browser page – note that there are four academic levels; with learning packets classified into one of these levels. You can browse by: academic level, by domain of learning, or by sub- domain. Additionally, you can search by author. Being able to extract data in a controlled manner helps educators to find exactly what they are looking for.
© 2008 Once a particular learning packet is selected, the browser can see a summary screen that provides a description of the contents. The system keeps track of “download credits”, in this example, the instructor can download 87 additional packets from the system. The way to increase credits is to be a contributor – one approved learning packet is worth five download credits. There is a message board and “rate this lesson” opportunity for each learning packet. All packets in CourseShare are peer reviewed for relevance and quality.
© 2008 Create Learning Packet: Contributing authors see this screen, a summary of all of their contributions, this makes it easy to keep track of what has been submitted and can be useful for tenure management, or for tracking end of cycle C.E.s – each approved learning packet has been approved by the Council on Certification for five C.E.s. – anyone contributing a packet gets 5 C.Es.
© 2008 Step 1 – Identify the author, determine the best academic level for materials, and complete a detailed summary of the contents of the learning packet. Remember, educators can not click on the individual items found in the learning packet – contents are closed until the packet is downloaded so the description needs to provide a clear understanding of what is in the packet.
© 2008 Step One: Click on the blue button “Add New Document”, then click the “Learning Component” and select an item such as group project, exam, lecture. Cick the “Browse” button, find your file on your home PC and download it. Repeat these steps till you have all items loaded. When the final attachment is loaded, then click the blue button “Upload” this completes the attachment process.
© 2008 Step Two: After all of the individual files are attached you will see this page. Click the red button: “Upload Packet” in order to signify to the system that you have finished with this packet.
© 2008 Step Three: This is the confirmation page – you will see the status of all learning packets that you have contributed. New packets will be reviewed by the CourseShare Peer Review Team within days.
© 2008 What are you waiting for? Visit CourseShare today! If you have questions, there is an contact on the site – just post your question and staff will reply. This is a great way to give back to the profession your unique knowledge and experience.
© 2008 Contact AHIMA Phone: (800) Students Website: Website: