Beyond Didactic Presentations in Clinical Training: Thinking Outside the Powerpoint Box March 11, 2008 Presented by the National Network of Prevention Training Centers (NNPTC) Parts I (Clinical), II (Behavioral) and III (Partner Services) Featuring … Cornelis Rietmeijer, MD, PhD Laura Bachman, MD, MPH Linda Creegan, MS, FNP M. Terry Hogan, MPH Katherine Hsu, MD, MPH Patricia Jennings, DrPH, PA-C Patricia Coury-Doniger, NP, MSN Anne Rompalo, MD, ScM
Dedication to Dr. Sylvie Ratelle This workshop is dedicated in memory of Dr. Sylvie Ratelle ( ), former Director of the STD/HIV Prevention Training Center of New England: Staunch advocate for STD/HIV prevention training Astute mentor Giving and caring colleague Great friend
Interactive Web-based Courses on STD Case Management Katherine Hsu, MD, MPH
Why Is Case-based Training So Important for the Adult Learner?
NNPTC Training Resources Hyperlink to this webpage and show it off (Get Seattle group to make some changes first, though)