Term Project Applications of Computer Programming in Earth Sciences Instructor: Dr. Cheng-Chien LiuCheng-Chien Liu Department of Earth Sciences National Cheng Kung University Last updated: 12 December 2015Chapter
Project description Solution of Linear Algebraic Equations Gauss-Jordan matrix inversion and linear equation solution (2.1) Linear equation solution, backsubstitution (2.3) (駱守凡) Singular value decomposition of a matrix (2.6) Interpolation and Extrapolation Two-dimensional polynomial interpolation (3.6) (張家鳳) Two-dimensional bicubic interpolation (3.6) (劉益廷) Two-dimensional spline interpolation (3.6)
Project description (cont.) Integration of Functions Integrate a function over a three-dimensional space (4.6) (林維芝) Evaluation of Functions Evaluate a polynomial and its derivatives (5.3) (李涵瑜) Random Numbers Random deviates from DES-like hashing (7.5) (蘇鴻林) Adaptive multidimensional Monte Carlo integration (7.8) (王博賢)
Project description (cont.) Sorting Sort an array by quicksort method (8.2) (王若梅) Find the Nth largest, without altering an array (8.5) (盧旭宇) Find M largest values, without altering an array (8.5) (黃姿勳) Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations Find root of a function by Ridders‘ method (9.2) (劉晃丞) Find root of a function by Brent's method (9.3) (歐兆強) Find root of a function by Newton-Raphson and bisection (9.4) (陳治宇) roots of a polynomial by Laguerre's method with deflation (9.5) (蕭雅竹)
Project description (cont.) Eigensystems Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix (11.1) ( 李奇峰 ) Fast Fourier Transform Fast Fourier transform in multidimensions (12.4) ( 江彥廷 ) Fourier and Spectral Applications Correlation or autocorrelation of data using FFT (13.2) ( 唐健庭 ) Modeling of Data Fit a polynomial using LFIT or SVDFIT (15.4)